**This is a development branch that is actively being worked on. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION! If you want to use stable versions of Elastic, please use Go modules for the 7.x release (or later) or a dependency manager like [dep](https://github.com/golang/dep) for earlier releases.**
Elastic is an [Elasticsearch](http://www.elasticsearch.org/) client for the
7.x | 7.0 | [`github.com/olivere/elastic/v7`](https://github.com/olivere/elastic) ([source](https://github.com/olivere/elastic/tree/release-branch.v7) [doc](http://godoc.org/github.com/olivere/elastic)) | Use Go modules.
6.x | 6.0 | [`github.com/olivere/elastic`](https://github.com/olivere/elastic) ([source](https://github.com/olivere/elastic/tree/release-branch.v6) [doc](http://godoc.org/github.com/olivere/elastic)) | Use a dependency manager (see below).
You have installed Elasticsearch 7.0.0 and want to use Elastic.
As listed above, you should use Elastic 7.0 (code is in `release-branch.v7`).
To use the required version of Elastic in your application, you
should use [Go modules](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules)
to manage dependencies. Make sure to use a version such as `7.0.0` or later.
To use Elastic, import:
import "github.com/olivere/elastic/v7"
### Elastic 7.0
Elastic 7.0 targets Elasticsearch 7.x which [was released on April 10th 2019](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.0/release-notes-7.0.0.html).
As always with major version, there are a lot of [breaking changes](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.0/release-notes-7.0.0.html#breaking-7.0.0).
We will use this as an opportunity to [clean up and refactor Elastic](https://github.com/olivere/elastic/blob/release-branch.v7/CHANGELOG-7.0.md),
as we already did in earlier (major) releases.
### Elastic 6.0
Elastic 6.0 targets Elasticsearch 6.x which was [released on 14th November 2017](https://www.elastic.co/blog/elasticsearch-6-0-0-released).
Notice that there are a lot of [breaking changes in Elasticsearch 6.0](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.7/breaking-changes-6.0.html)
and we used this as an opportunity to [clean up and refactor Elastic](https://github.com/olivere/elastic/blob/release-branch.v6/CHANGELOG-6.0.md)
as we did in the transition from earlier versions of Elastic.
### Elastic 5.0
Elastic 5.0 targets Elasticsearch 5.0.0 and later. Elasticsearch 5.0.0 was
[released on 26th October 2016](https://www.elastic.co/blog/elasticsearch-5-0-0-released).
Notice that there are will be a lot of [breaking changes in Elasticsearch 5.0](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.0/breaking-changes-5.0.html)
and we used this as an opportunity to [clean up and refactor Elastic](https://github.com/olivere/elastic/blob/release-branch.v5/CHANGELOG-5.0.md)
as we did in the transition from Elastic 2.0 (for Elasticsearch 1.x) to Elastic 3.0 (for Elasticsearch 2.x).
Furthermore, the jump in version numbers will give us a chance to be in sync with the Elastic Stack.
### Elastic 3.0
Elastic 3.0 targets Elasticsearch 2.x and is published via [`gopkg.in/olivere/elastic.v3`](https://gopkg.in/olivere/elastic.v3).
Elastic 3.0 will only get critical bug fixes. You should update to a recent version.
### Elastic 2.0
Elastic 2.0 targets Elasticsearch 1.x and is published via [`gopkg.in/olivere/elastic.v2`](https://gopkg.in/olivere/elastic.v2).
Elastic 2.0 will only get critical bug fixes. You should update to a recent version.
### Elastic 1.0
Elastic 1.0 is deprecated. You should really update Elasticsearch and Elastic
to a recent version.
However, if you cannot update for some reason, don't worry. Version 1.0 is
still available. All you need to do is go-get it and change your import path
as described above.
## Status
We use Elastic in production since 2012. Elastic is stable but the API changes
now and then. We strive for API compatibility.
However, Elasticsearch sometimes introduces [breaking changes](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/master/breaking-changes.html)
and we sometimes have to adapt.
Having said that, there have been no big API changes that required you
to rewrite your application big time. More often than not it's renaming APIs
and adding/removing features so that Elastic is in sync with Elasticsearch.
Elastic has been used in production starting with Elasticsearch 0.90 up to recent 7.x