Refactor issue filter (labels, poster, assignee) (#32771)
Rewrite a lot of legacy strange code, remove duplicate code, remove
jquery, and make these filters reusable.
Let's forget the old code, new code affects:
* issue list open/close switch
* issue list filter (label, author, assignee)
* milestone list open/close switch
* milestone issue list filter (label, author, assignee)
* project view (label, assignee)
2024-12-10 11:38:22 +08:00
{{/* this tmpl is quite dirty, it should not mix unrelated things together .... need to split it in the future*/}}
{{$allStatesLink := ""}}{{$openLink := ""}}{{$closedLink := ""}}
{{if .PageIsMilestones}}
{{$allStatesLink = QueryBuild "?" "q" $.Keyword "sort" $.SortType "state" "all"}}
{{$allStatesLink = QueryBuild "?" "q" $.Keyword "type" $.ViewType "sort" $.SortType "state" "all" "labels" $.SelectLabels "milestone" $.MilestoneID "project" $.ProjectID "assignee" $.AssigneeID "poster" $.PosterUsername "archived_labels" (Iif $.ShowArchivedLabels "true")}}
{{$openLink = QueryBuild $allStatesLink "state" "open"}}
{{$closedLink = QueryBuild $allStatesLink "state" "closed"}}
2023-05-03 23:58:59 +02:00
<div class="small-menu-items ui compact tiny menu">
Refactor issue filter (labels, poster, assignee) (#32771)
Rewrite a lot of legacy strange code, remove duplicate code, remove
jquery, and make these filters reusable.
Let's forget the old code, new code affects:
* issue list open/close switch
* issue list filter (label, author, assignee)
* milestone list open/close switch
* milestone issue list filter (label, author, assignee)
* project view (label, assignee)
2024-12-10 11:38:22 +08:00
<a class="{{if eq .State "open"}}active {{end}}item flex-text-inline" href="{{if eq .State "open"}}{{$allStatesLink}}{{else}}{{$openLink}}{{end}}">
2023-10-18 09:03:42 +09:00
{{if .PageIsMilestones}}
Refactor issue filter (labels, poster, assignee) (#32771)
Rewrite a lot of legacy strange code, remove duplicate code, remove
jquery, and make these filters reusable.
Let's forget the old code, new code affects:
* issue list open/close switch
* issue list filter (label, author, assignee)
* milestone list open/close switch
* milestone issue list filter (label, author, assignee)
* project view (label, assignee)
2024-12-10 11:38:22 +08:00
{{svg "octicon-milestone"}}
2022-06-12 14:08:23 +02:00
Refactor issue filter (labels, poster, assignee) (#32771)
Rewrite a lot of legacy strange code, remove duplicate code, remove
jquery, and make these filters reusable.
Let's forget the old code, new code affects:
* issue list open/close switch
* issue list filter (label, author, assignee)
* milestone list open/close switch
* milestone issue list filter (label, author, assignee)
* project view (label, assignee)
2024-12-10 11:38:22 +08:00
{{Iif .PageIsPullList (svg "octicon-git-pull-request") (svg "octicon-issue-opened")}}
2022-06-12 14:08:23 +02:00
Refactor issue filter (labels, poster, assignee) (#32771)
Rewrite a lot of legacy strange code, remove duplicate code, remove
jquery, and make these filters reusable.
Let's forget the old code, new code affects:
* issue list open/close switch
* issue list filter (label, author, assignee)
* milestone list open/close switch
* milestone issue list filter (label, author, assignee)
* project view (label, assignee)
2024-12-10 11:38:22 +08:00
{{ctx.Locale.PrettyNumber .OpenCount}} {{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.issues.open_title"}}
2020-11-29 16:52:11 +01:00
Refactor issue filter (labels, poster, assignee) (#32771)
Rewrite a lot of legacy strange code, remove duplicate code, remove
jquery, and make these filters reusable.
Let's forget the old code, new code affects:
* issue list open/close switch
* issue list filter (label, author, assignee)
* milestone list open/close switch
* milestone issue list filter (label, author, assignee)
* project view (label, assignee)
2024-12-10 11:38:22 +08:00
<a class="{{if eq .State "closed"}}active {{end}}item flex-text-inline" href="{{if eq .State "closed"}}{{$allStatesLink}}{{else}}{{$closedLink}}{{end}}">
2025-02-25 15:27:23 -08:00
{{svg "octicon-issue-closed"}}
Refactor issue filter (labels, poster, assignee) (#32771)
Rewrite a lot of legacy strange code, remove duplicate code, remove
jquery, and make these filters reusable.
Let's forget the old code, new code affects:
* issue list open/close switch
* issue list filter (label, author, assignee)
* milestone list open/close switch
* milestone issue list filter (label, author, assignee)
* project view (label, assignee)
2024-12-10 11:38:22 +08:00
{{ctx.Locale.PrettyNumber .ClosedCount}} {{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.issues.closed_title"}}
2020-11-29 16:52:11 +01:00