* Vendor: update gitea.com/macaron/session to a177a270
* make vendor
* Vendor: update gitea.com/macaron/macaron to 0db5d458
* make vendor
* Vendor: update gitea.com/macaron/cache to 905232fb
* make vendor
* Vendor: update gitea.com/macaron/i18n to 4ca3dd0c
* make vendor
* Vendor: update gitea.com/macaron/gzip to efa5e847
* make vendor
* Vendor: update gitea.com/macaron/captcha to e8597820
* make vendor
* Migrate to go modules
* make vendor
* Update mvdan.cc/xurls
* make vendor
* Update code.gitea.io/git
* make fmt-check
* Update github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
* make vendor