// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package integrations import ( "encoding/base64" "fmt" "net/http" "net/url" "path/filepath" "testing" "code.gitea.io/gitea/models" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/context" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/git" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting" api "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/structs" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" ) func getCreateFileOptions() api.CreateFileOptions { content := "This is new text" contentEncoded := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(content)) return api.CreateFileOptions{ FileOptions: api.FileOptions{ BranchName: "master", NewBranchName: "master", Message: "Making this new file new/file.txt", Author: api.Identity{ Name: "Anne Doe", Email: "annedoe@example.com", }, Committer: api.Identity{ Name: "John Doe", Email: "johndoe@example.com", }, }, Content: contentEncoded, } } func getExpectedFileResponseForCreate(commitID, treePath string) *api.FileResponse { sha := "a635aa942442ddfdba07468cf9661c08fbdf0ebf" encoding := "base64" content := "VGhpcyBpcyBuZXcgdGV4dA==" selfURL := setting.AppURL + "api/v1/repos/user2/repo1/contents/" + treePath + "?ref=master" htmlURL := setting.AppURL + "user2/repo1/src/branch/master/" + treePath gitURL := setting.AppURL + "api/v1/repos/user2/repo1/git/blobs/" + sha downloadURL := setting.AppURL + "user2/repo1/raw/branch/master/" + treePath return &api.FileResponse{ Content: &api.ContentsResponse{ Name: filepath.Base(treePath), Path: treePath, SHA: sha, Size: 16, Type: "file", Encoding: &encoding, Content: &content, URL: &selfURL, HTMLURL: &htmlURL, GitURL: &gitURL, DownloadURL: &downloadURL, Links: &api.FileLinksResponse{ Self: &selfURL, GitURL: &gitURL, HTMLURL: &htmlURL, }, }, Commit: &api.FileCommitResponse{ CommitMeta: api.CommitMeta{ URL: setting.AppURL + "api/v1/repos/user2/repo1/git/commits/" + commitID, SHA: commitID, }, HTMLURL: setting.AppURL + "user2/repo1/commit/" + commitID, Author: &api.CommitUser{ Identity: api.Identity{ Name: "Anne Doe", Email: "annedoe@example.com", }, }, Committer: &api.CommitUser{ Identity: api.Identity{ Name: "John Doe", Email: "johndoe@example.com", }, }, Message: "Updates README.md\n", }, Verification: &api.PayloadCommitVerification{ Verified: false, Reason: "unsigned", Signature: "", Payload: "", }, } } func TestAPICreateFile(t *testing.T) { onGiteaRun(t, func(t *testing.T, u *url.URL) { user2 := models.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &models.User{ID: 2}).(*models.User) // owner of the repo1 & repo16 user3 := models.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &models.User{ID: 3}).(*models.User) // owner of the repo3, is an org user4 := models.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &models.User{ID: 4}).(*models.User) // owner of neither repos repo1 := models.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &models.Repository{ID: 1}).(*models.Repository) // public repo repo3 := models.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &models.Repository{ID: 3}).(*models.Repository) // public repo repo16 := models.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &models.Repository{ID: 16}).(*models.Repository) // private repo fileID := 0 // Get user2's token session := loginUser(t, user2.Name) token2 := getTokenForLoggedInUser(t, session) session = emptyTestSession(t) // Get user4's token session = loginUser(t, user4.Name) token4 := getTokenForLoggedInUser(t, session) session = emptyTestSession(t) // Test creating a file in repo1 which user2 owns, try both with branch and empty branch for _, branch := range [...]string{ "master", // Branch "", // Empty branch } { createFileOptions := getCreateFileOptions() createFileOptions.BranchName = branch fileID++ treePath := fmt.Sprintf("new/file%d.txt", fileID) url := fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s/contents/%s?token=%s", user2.Name, repo1.Name, treePath, token2) req := NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", url, &createFileOptions) resp := session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusCreated) gitRepo, _ := git.OpenRepository(repo1.RepoPath()) commitID, _ := gitRepo.GetBranchCommitID(createFileOptions.NewBranchName) expectedFileResponse := getExpectedFileResponseForCreate(commitID, treePath) var fileResponse api.FileResponse DecodeJSON(t, resp, &fileResponse) assert.EqualValues(t, expectedFileResponse.Content, fileResponse.Content) assert.EqualValues(t, expectedFileResponse.Commit.SHA, fileResponse.Commit.SHA) assert.EqualValues(t, expectedFileResponse.Commit.HTMLURL, fileResponse.Commit.HTMLURL) assert.EqualValues(t, expectedFileResponse.Commit.Author.Email, fileResponse.Commit.Author.Email) assert.EqualValues(t, expectedFileResponse.Commit.Author.Name, fileResponse.Commit.Author.Name) gitRepo.Close() } // Test creating a file in a new branch createFileOptions := getCreateFileOptions() createFileOptions.BranchName = repo1.DefaultBranch createFileOptions.NewBranchName = "new_branch" fileID++ treePath := fmt.Sprintf("new/file%d.txt", fileID) url := fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s/contents/%s?token=%s", user2.Name, repo1.Name, treePath, token2) req := NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", url, &createFileOptions) resp := session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusCreated) var fileResponse api.FileResponse DecodeJSON(t, resp, &fileResponse) expectedSHA := "a635aa942442ddfdba07468cf9661c08fbdf0ebf" expectedHTMLURL := fmt.Sprintf(setting.AppURL+"user2/repo1/src/branch/new_branch/new/file%d.txt", fileID) expectedDownloadURL := fmt.Sprintf(setting.AppURL+"user2/repo1/raw/branch/new_branch/new/file%d.txt", fileID) assert.EqualValues(t, expectedSHA, fileResponse.Content.SHA) assert.EqualValues(t, expectedHTMLURL, *fileResponse.Content.HTMLURL) assert.EqualValues(t, expectedDownloadURL, *fileResponse.Content.DownloadURL) assert.EqualValues(t, createFileOptions.Message+"\n", fileResponse.Commit.Message) // Test creating a file without a message createFileOptions = getCreateFileOptions() createFileOptions.Message = "" fileID++ treePath = fmt.Sprintf("new/file%d.txt", fileID) url = fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s/contents/%s?token=%s", user2.Name, repo1.Name, treePath, token2) req = NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", url, &createFileOptions) resp = session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusCreated) DecodeJSON(t, resp, &fileResponse) expectedMessage := "Add '" + treePath + "'\n" assert.EqualValues(t, expectedMessage, fileResponse.Commit.Message) // Test trying to create a file that already exists, should fail createFileOptions = getCreateFileOptions() treePath = "README.md" url = fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s/contents/%s?token=%s", user2.Name, repo1.Name, treePath, token2) req = NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", url, &createFileOptions) resp = session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusInternalServerError) expectedAPIError := context.APIError{ Message: "repository file already exists [path: " + treePath + "]", URL: setting.API.SwaggerURL, } var apiError context.APIError DecodeJSON(t, resp, &apiError) assert.Equal(t, expectedAPIError, apiError) // Test creating a file in repo1 by user4 who does not have write access createFileOptions = getCreateFileOptions() fileID++ treePath = fmt.Sprintf("new/file%d.txt", fileID) url = fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s/contents/%s?token=%s", user2.Name, repo16.Name, treePath, token4) req = NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", url, &createFileOptions) session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusNotFound) // Tests a repo with no token given so will fail createFileOptions = getCreateFileOptions() fileID++ treePath = fmt.Sprintf("new/file%d.txt", fileID) url = fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s/contents/%s", user2.Name, repo16.Name, treePath) req = NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", url, &createFileOptions) session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusNotFound) // Test using access token for a private repo that the user of the token owns createFileOptions = getCreateFileOptions() fileID++ treePath = fmt.Sprintf("new/file%d.txt", fileID) url = fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s/contents/%s?token=%s", user2.Name, repo16.Name, treePath, token2) req = NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", url, &createFileOptions) session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusCreated) // Test using org repo "user3/repo3" where user2 is a collaborator createFileOptions = getCreateFileOptions() fileID++ treePath = fmt.Sprintf("new/file%d.txt", fileID) url = fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s/contents/%s?token=%s", user3.Name, repo3.Name, treePath, token2) req = NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", url, &createFileOptions) session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusCreated) // Test using org repo "user3/repo3" with no user token createFileOptions = getCreateFileOptions() fileID++ treePath = fmt.Sprintf("new/file%d.txt", fileID) url = fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s/contents/%s", user3.Name, repo3.Name, treePath) req = NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", url, &createFileOptions) session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusNotFound) // Test using repo "user2/repo1" where user4 is a NOT collaborator createFileOptions = getCreateFileOptions() fileID++ treePath = fmt.Sprintf("new/file%d.txt", fileID) url = fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s/contents/%s?token=%s", user2.Name, repo1.Name, treePath, token4) req = NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", url, &createFileOptions) session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusForbidden) }) }