// Copyright 2022 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

package mirror

import (

var mirrorQueue *queue.WorkerPoolQueue[*SyncRequest]

// SyncType type of sync request
type SyncType int

const (
	// PullMirrorType for pull mirrors
	PullMirrorType SyncType = iota
	// PushMirrorType for push mirrors

// SyncRequest for the mirror queue
type SyncRequest struct {
	Type        SyncType
	ReferenceID int64 // RepoID for pull mirror, MirrorID for push mirror

func queueHandler(items ...*SyncRequest) []*SyncRequest {
	for _, req := range items {
		doMirrorSync(graceful.GetManager().ShutdownContext(), req)
	return nil

// StartSyncMirrors starts a go routine to sync the mirrors
func StartSyncMirrors() {
	if !setting.Mirror.Enabled {
	mirrorQueue = queue.CreateUniqueQueue(graceful.GetManager().ShutdownContext(), "mirror", queueHandler)
	if mirrorQueue == nil {
		log.Fatal("Unable to create mirror queue")
	go graceful.GetManager().RunWithCancel(mirrorQueue)

// AddPullMirrorToQueue adds repoID to mirror queue
func AddPullMirrorToQueue(repoID int64) {
	addMirrorToQueue(PullMirrorType, repoID)

// AddPushMirrorToQueue adds the push mirror to the queue
func AddPushMirrorToQueue(mirrorID int64) {
	addMirrorToQueue(PushMirrorType, mirrorID)

func addMirrorToQueue(syncType SyncType, referenceID int64) {
	if !setting.Mirror.Enabled {
	go func() {
		if err := PushToQueue(syncType, referenceID); err != nil {
			log.Error("Unable to push sync request for to the queue for pull mirror repo[%d]. Error: %v", referenceID, err)

// PushToQueue adds the sync request to the queue
func PushToQueue(mirrorType SyncType, referenceID int64) error {
	return mirrorQueue.Push(&SyncRequest{
		Type:        mirrorType,
		ReferenceID: referenceID,