<!-- This template should be kept the same as web_src/js/components/ActionRunStatus.vue
	Please also update the vue file above if this template is modified.
	action status accepted: success, skipped, waiting, blocked, running, failure, cancelled, unknown
{{- $size := Iif .size .size 16 -}}
{{- $className := Iif .className .className "" -}}
<span data-tooltip-content="{{ctx.Locale.Tr (printf "actions.status.%s" .status)}}">
{{if eq .status "success"}}
	{{svg "octicon-check-circle-fill" $size (printf "text green %s" $className)}}
{{else if eq .status "skipped"}}
	{{svg "octicon-skip" $size (printf "text grey %s" $className)}}
{{else if eq .status "cancelled"}}
	{{svg "octicon-stop" $size (printf "text grey %s" $className)}}
{{else if eq .status "waiting"}}
	{{svg "octicon-clock" $size (printf "text yellow %s" $className)}}
{{else if eq .status "blocked"}}
	{{svg "octicon-blocked" $size (printf "text yellow %s" $className)}}
{{else if eq .status "running"}}
	{{svg "octicon-meter" $size (printf "text yellow job-status-rotate %s" $className)}}
{{else}}{{/*failure, unknown*/}}
	{{svg "octicon-x-circle-fill" $size (printf "text red %s" $className)}}