[](https://travis-ci.org/mgechev/dots) # Dots Implements the wildcard file matching in Go used by golint, go test etc. ## Usage ```go import "github.com/mgechev/dots" func main() { result, err := dots.Resolve([]string{"./fixtures/..."}, []string{"./fixtures/foo"}) for _, f := range result { fmt.Println(f); } } ``` If we suppose that we have the following directory structure: ```text ├── README.md ├── fixtures │ ├── bar │ │ ├── bar1.go │ │ └── bar2.go │ ├── baz │ │ ├── baz1.go │ │ ├── baz2.go │ │ └── baz3.go │ └── foo │ ├── foo1.go │ ├── foo2.go │ └── foo3.go └── main.go ``` The result will be: ```text fixtures/bar/bar1.go fixtures/bar/bar2.go fixtures/baz/baz1.go fixtures/baz/baz2.go fixtures/baz/baz3.go ``` `dots` supports wildcard in both - the first and the last argument of `Resolve`, which means that you can ignore files based on a wildcard: ```go dots.Resolve([]string{"github.com/mgechev/dots"}, []string{"./..."}) // empty list dots.Resolve([]string{"./fixtures/bar/..."}, []string{"./fixture/foo/...", "./fixtures/baz/..."}) // bar1.go, bar2.go ``` ## Preserve package structure `dots` allow you to receive a slice of slices where each nested slice represents an individual package: ```go dots.ResolvePackages([]string{"github.com/mgechev/dots/..."}, []string{}) ``` So we will get the result: ```text [ [ "$GOROOT/src/github.com/mgechev/dots/fixtures/dummy/bar/bar1.go", "$GOROOT/src/github.com/mgechev/dots/fixtures/dummy/bar/bar2.go" ], [ "$GOROOT/src/github.com/mgechev/dots/fixtures/dummy/baz/baz1.go", "$GOROOT/src/github.com/mgechev/dots/fixtures/dummy/baz/baz2.go", "$GOROOT/src/github.com/mgechev/dots/fixtures/dummy/baz/baz3.go" ], [ "$GOROOT/src/github.com/mgechev/dots/fixtures/dummy/foo/foo1.go", "$GOROOT/src/github.com/mgechev/dots/fixtures/dummy/foo/foo2.go", "$GOROOT/src/github.com/mgechev/dots/fixtures/dummy/foo/foo3.go" ], [ "$GOROOT/src/github.com/mgechev/dots/fixtures/pkg/baz/baz1.go", "$GOROOT/src/github.com/mgechev/dots/fixtures/pkg/baz/baz2.go" ], [ "$GOROOT/src/github.com/mgechev/dots/fixtures/pkg/foo/foo1.go", "$GOROOT/src/github.com/mgechev/dots/fixtures/pkg/foo/foo2.go" ], [ "$GOROOT/src/github.com/mgechev/dots/fixtures/pkg/foo/bar/bar1.go" ] ] ``` This method is especially useful, when you want to perform type checking over given package from the result. ## License MIT