// Copyright 2022 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

package math

import (


type inlineParser struct {
	trigger              []byte
	endBytesSingleDollar []byte
	endBytesDoubleDollar []byte
	endBytesBracket      []byte

var defaultInlineDollarParser = &inlineParser{
	trigger:              []byte{'$'},
	endBytesSingleDollar: []byte{'$'},
	endBytesDoubleDollar: []byte{'$', '$'},

func NewInlineDollarParser() parser.InlineParser {
	return defaultInlineDollarParser

var defaultInlineBracketParser = &inlineParser{
	trigger:         []byte{'\\', '('},
	endBytesBracket: []byte{'\\', ')'},

func NewInlineBracketParser() parser.InlineParser {
	return defaultInlineBracketParser

// Trigger triggers this parser on $ or \
func (parser *inlineParser) Trigger() []byte {
	return parser.trigger

func isPunctuation(b byte) bool {
	return b == '.' || b == '!' || b == '?' || b == ',' || b == ';' || b == ':'

func isBracket(b byte) bool {
	return b == ')'

func isAlphanumeric(b byte) bool {
	return (b >= 'a' && b <= 'z') || (b >= 'A' && b <= 'Z') || (b >= '0' && b <= '9')

// Parse parses the current line and returns a result of parsing.
func (parser *inlineParser) Parse(parent ast.Node, block text.Reader, pc parser.Context) ast.Node {
	line, _ := block.PeekLine()

	if !bytes.HasPrefix(line, parser.trigger) {
		// We'll catch this one on the next time round
		return nil

	var startMarkLen int
	var stopMark []byte
	checkSurrounding := true
	if line[0] == '$' {
		startMarkLen = 1
		stopMark = parser.endBytesSingleDollar
		if len(line) > 1 {
			if line[1] == '$' {
				startMarkLen = 2
				stopMark = parser.endBytesDoubleDollar
			} else if line[1] == '`' {
				pos := 1
				for ; pos < len(line) && line[pos] == '`'; pos++ {
				startMarkLen = pos
				stopMark = bytes.Repeat([]byte{'`'}, pos)
				stopMark[len(stopMark)-1] = '$'
				checkSurrounding = false
	} else {
		startMarkLen = 2
		stopMark = parser.endBytesBracket

	if checkSurrounding {
		precedingCharacter := block.PrecendingCharacter()
		if precedingCharacter < 256 && (isAlphanumeric(byte(precedingCharacter)) || isPunctuation(byte(precedingCharacter))) {
			// need to exclude things like `a$` from being considered a start
			return nil

	// move the opener marker point at the start of the text
	opener := startMarkLen

	// Now look for an ending line
	depth := 0
	ender := -1
	for i := opener; i < len(line); i++ {
		if depth == 0 && bytes.HasPrefix(line[i:], stopMark) {
			succeedingCharacter := byte(0)
			if i+len(stopMark) < len(line) {
				succeedingCharacter = line[i+len(stopMark)]
			// check valid ending character
			isValidEndingChar := isPunctuation(succeedingCharacter) || isBracket(succeedingCharacter) ||
				succeedingCharacter == ' ' || succeedingCharacter == '\n' || succeedingCharacter == 0
			if checkSurrounding && !isValidEndingChar {
			ender = i
		if line[i] == '\\' {
		if line[i] == '{' {
		} else if line[i] == '}' {
	if ender == -1 {
		return nil

	_, pos := block.Position()
	node := NewInline()

	segment := pos.WithStop(pos.Start + ender - opener)
	node.AppendChild(node, ast.NewRawTextSegment(segment))
	block.Advance(ender - opener + len(stopMark))
	trimBlock(node, block)
	return node

func trimBlock(node *Inline, block text.Reader) {
	if node.IsBlank(block.Source()) {

	// trim first space and last space
	first := node.FirstChild().(*ast.Text)
	if !(!first.Segment.IsEmpty() && block.Source()[first.Segment.Start] == ' ') {

	last := node.LastChild().(*ast.Text)
	if !(!last.Segment.IsEmpty() && block.Source()[last.Segment.Stop-1] == ' ') {

	first.Segment = first.Segment.WithStart(first.Segment.Start + 1)
	last.Segment = last.Segment.WithStop(last.Segment.Stop - 1)