{{/* ==== DO NOT EDIT ====
If you are customizing Gitea, please do not change this file.
If you introduce mistakes in it, Gitea JavaScript code wouldn't run correctly.
	{{/* before our JS code gets loaded, use arrays to store errors, then the arrays will be switched to our error handler later */}}
	window.addEventListener('error', function(e) {window._globalHandlerErrors=window._globalHandlerErrors||[]; window._globalHandlerErrors.push(e);});
	window.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', function(e) {window._globalHandlerErrors=window._globalHandlerErrors||[]; window._globalHandlerErrors.push(e);});
	window.config = {
		appUrl: '{{AppUrl}}',
		appSubUrl: '{{AppSubUrl}}',
		assetVersionEncoded: encodeURIComponent('{{AssetVersion}}'), // will be used in URL construction directly
		assetUrlPrefix: '{{AssetUrlPrefix}}',
		runModeIsProd: {{.RunModeIsProd}},
		customEmojis: {{CustomEmojis}},
		csrfToken: '{{.CsrfToken}}',
		pageData: {{.PageData}},
		notificationSettings: {{NotificationSettings}}, {{/*a map provided by NewFuncMap in helper.go*/}}
		enableTimeTracking: {{EnableTimetracking}},
		{{if or .Participants .Assignees .MentionableTeams}}
		mentionValues: Array.from(new Map([
			{{- range .Participants -}}
				['{{.Name}}', {key: '{{.Name}} {{.FullName}}', value: '{{.Name}}', name: '{{.Name}}', fullname: '{{.FullName}}', avatar: '{{.AvatarLink ctx}}'}],
			{{- end -}}
			{{- range .Assignees -}}
				['{{.Name}}', {key: '{{.Name}} {{.FullName}}', value: '{{.Name}}', name: '{{.Name}}', fullname: '{{.FullName}}', avatar: '{{.AvatarLink ctx}}'}],
			{{- end -}}
			{{- range .MentionableTeams -}}
				['{{$.MentionableTeamsOrg}}/{{.Name}}', {key: '{{$.MentionableTeamsOrg}}/{{.Name}}', value: '{{$.MentionableTeamsOrg}}/{{.Name}}', name: '{{$.MentionableTeamsOrg}}/{{.Name}}', avatar: '{{$.MentionableTeamsOrgAvatar}}'}],
			{{- end -}}
		mermaidMaxSourceCharacters: {{MermaidMaxSourceCharacters}},
		{{/* this global i18n object should only contain general texts. for specialized texts, it should be provided inside the related modules by: (1) API response (2) HTML data-attribute (3) PageData */}}
		i18n: {
			copy_success: {{ctx.Locale.Tr "copy_success"}},
			copy_error: {{ctx.Locale.Tr "copy_error"}},
			error_occurred: {{ctx.Locale.Tr "error.occurred"}},
			network_error: {{ctx.Locale.Tr "error.network_error"}},
			remove_label_str: {{ctx.Locale.Tr "remove_label_str"}},
			modal_confirm: {{ctx.Locale.Tr "modal.confirm"}},
			modal_cancel: {{ctx.Locale.Tr "modal.cancel"}},
			more_items: {{ctx.Locale.Tr "more_items"}},
	{{/* in case some pages don't render the pageData, we make sure it is an object to prevent null access */}}
	window.config.pageData = window.config.pageData || {};
<script src="{{AssetUrlPrefix}}/js/webcomponents.js?v={{AssetVersion}}"></script>