import {initCompReactionSelector} from './comp/ReactionSelector.ts'; import {initRepoIssueContentHistory} from './repo-issue-content.ts'; import {initDiffFileTree} from './repo-diff-filetree.ts'; import {initDiffCommitSelect} from './repo-diff-commitselect.ts'; import {validateTextareaNonEmpty} from './comp/ComboMarkdownEditor.ts'; import {initViewedCheckboxListenerFor, countAndUpdateViewedFiles, initExpandAndCollapseFilesButton} from './pull-view-file.ts'; import {initImageDiff} from './imagediff.ts'; import {showErrorToast} from '../modules/toast.ts'; import {submitEventSubmitter, queryElemSiblings, hideElem, showElem, animateOnce, addDelegatedEventListener, createElementFromHTML, queryElems} from '../utils/dom.ts'; import {POST, GET} from '../modules/fetch.ts'; import {fomanticQuery} from '../modules/fomantic/base.ts'; import {createTippy} from '../modules/tippy.ts'; import {invertFileFolding} from './file-fold.ts'; import {parseDom} from '../utils.ts'; const {i18n} = window.config; function initRepoDiffFileViewToggle() { // switch between "rendered" and "source", for image and CSV files // FIXME: this event listener is not correctly added to "load more files" queryElems(document, '.file-view-toggle', (btn) => btn.addEventListener('click', () => { queryElemSiblings(btn, '.file-view-toggle', (el) => el.classList.remove('active')); btn.classList.add('active'); const target = document.querySelector(btn.getAttribute('data-toggle-selector')); if (!target) throw new Error('Target element not found'); hideElem(queryElemSiblings(target)); showElem(target); })); } function initRepoDiffConversationForm() { // FIXME: there could be various different form in a conversation-holder (for example: reply form, edit form). // This listener is for "reply form" only, it should clearly distinguish different forms in the future. addDelegatedEventListener(document, 'submit', '.conversation-holder form', async (form, e) => { e.preventDefault(); const textArea = form.querySelector('textarea'); if (!validateTextareaNonEmpty(textArea)) return; if (form.classList.contains('is-loading')) return; try { form.classList.add('is-loading'); const formData = new FormData(form); // if the form is submitted by a button, append the button's name and value to the form data const submitter = submitEventSubmitter(e); const isSubmittedByButton = (submitter?.nodeName === 'BUTTON') || (submitter?.nodeName === 'INPUT' && submitter.type === 'submit'); if (isSubmittedByButton && { formData.append(, submitter.value); } // on the diff page, the form is inside a "tr" and need to get the line-type ahead // but on the conversation page, there is no parent "tr" const trLineType = form.closest('tr')?.getAttribute('data-line-type'); const response = await POST(form.getAttribute('action'), {data: formData}); const newConversationHolder = createElementFromHTML(await response.text()); const path = newConversationHolder.getAttribute('data-path'); const side = newConversationHolder.getAttribute('data-side'); const idx = newConversationHolder.getAttribute('data-idx'); form.closest('.conversation-holder').replaceWith(newConversationHolder); form = null; // prevent further usage of the form because it should have been replaced if (trLineType) { // if there is a line-type for the "tr", it means the form is on the diff page // then hide the "add-code-comment" [+] button for current code line by adding "tw-invisible" because the conversation has been added let selector; if (trLineType === 'same') { selector = `[data-path="${path}"] .add-code-comment[data-idx="${idx}"]`; } else { selector = `[data-path="${path}"] .add-code-comment[data-side="${side}"][data-idx="${idx}"]`; } for (const el of document.querySelectorAll(selector)) { el.classList.add('tw-invisible'); } } fomanticQuery(newConversationHolder.querySelectorAll('.ui.dropdown')).dropdown(); // the default behavior is to add a pending review, so if no submitter, it also means "pending_review" if (!submitter || submitter?.matches('button[name="pending_review"]')) { const reviewBox = document.querySelector('#review-box'); const counter = reviewBox?.querySelector('.review-comments-counter'); if (!counter) return; const num = parseInt(counter.getAttribute('data-pending-comment-number')) + 1 || 1; counter.setAttribute('data-pending-comment-number', String(num)); counter.textContent = String(num); animateOnce(reviewBox, 'pulse-1p5-200'); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); showErrorToast(i18n.network_error); } finally { form?.classList.remove('is-loading'); } }); addDelegatedEventListener(document, 'click', '.resolve-conversation', async (el, e) => { e.preventDefault(); const comment_id = el.getAttribute('data-comment-id'); const origin = el.getAttribute('data-origin'); const action = el.getAttribute('data-action'); const url = el.getAttribute('data-update-url'); try { const response = await POST(url, {data: new URLSearchParams({origin, action, comment_id})}); const data = await response.text(); const elConversationHolder = el.closest('.conversation-holder'); if (elConversationHolder) { const elNewConversation = createElementFromHTML(data); elConversationHolder.replaceWith(elNewConversation); queryElems(elConversationHolder, '.ui.dropdown:not(.custom)', (el) => fomanticQuery(el).dropdown()); initCompReactionSelector(elNewConversation); } else { window.location.reload(); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); } }); } function initRepoDiffConversationNav() { // Previous/Next code review conversation addDelegatedEventListener(document, 'click', '.previous-conversation, .next-conversation', (el, e) => { e.preventDefault(); const isPrevious = el.matches('.previous-conversation'); const elCurConversation = el.closest('.comment-code-cloud'); const elAllConversations = document.querySelectorAll('.comment-code-cloud:not(.tw-hidden)'); const index = Array.from(elAllConversations).indexOf(elCurConversation); const previousIndex = index > 0 ? index - 1 : elAllConversations.length - 1; const nextIndex = index < elAllConversations.length - 1 ? index + 1 : 0; const navIndex = isPrevious ? previousIndex : nextIndex; const elNavConversation = elAllConversations[navIndex]; const anchor = elNavConversation.querySelector('.comment').id; window.location.href = `#${anchor}`; }); } function initDiffHeaderPopup() { for (const btn of document.querySelectorAll('.diff-header-popup-btn:not([data-header-popup-initialized])')) { btn.setAttribute('data-header-popup-initialized', ''); const popup = btn.nextElementSibling; if (!popup?.matches('.tippy-target')) throw new Error('Popup element not found'); createTippy(btn, {content: popup, theme: 'menu', placement: 'bottom', trigger: 'click', interactive: true, hideOnClick: true}); } } // Will be called when the show more (files) button has been pressed function onShowMoreFiles() { // FIXME: here the init calls are incomplete: at least it misses dropdown & initCompReactionSelector & initRepoDiffFileViewToggle initRepoIssueContentHistory(); initViewedCheckboxListenerFor(); countAndUpdateViewedFiles(); initImageDiff(); initDiffHeaderPopup(); } async function loadMoreFiles(btn: Element): Promise { if (btn.classList.contains('disabled')) { return false; } btn.classList.add('disabled'); const url = btn.getAttribute('data-href'); try { const response = await GET(url); const resp = await response.text(); const respDoc = parseDom(resp, 'text/html'); const respFileBoxes = respDoc.querySelector('#diff-file-boxes'); // the response is a full HTML page, we need to extract the relevant contents: // * append the newly loaded file list items to the existing list document.querySelector('#diff-incomplete').replaceWith(...Array.from(respFileBoxes.children)); onShowMoreFiles(); return true; } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); showErrorToast('An error occurred while loading more files.'); } finally { btn.classList.remove('disabled'); } return false; } function initRepoDiffShowMore() { addDelegatedEventListener(document, 'click', 'a#diff-show-more-files', (el, e) => { e.preventDefault(); loadMoreFiles(el); }); addDelegatedEventListener(document, 'click', 'a.diff-load-button', async (el, e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (el.classList.contains('disabled')) return; el.classList.add('disabled'); const url = el.getAttribute('data-href'); try { const response = await GET(url); const resp = await response.text(); const respDoc = parseDom(resp, 'text/html'); const respFileBody = respDoc.querySelector('#diff-file-boxes .diff-file-body .file-body'); el.parentElement.replaceWith(...Array.from(respFileBody.children)); // FIXME: calling onShowMoreFiles is not quite right here. // But since onShowMoreFiles mixes "init diff box" and "init diff body" together, // so it still needs to call it to make the "ImageDiff" and something similar work. onShowMoreFiles(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); } finally { el.classList.remove('disabled'); } }); } async function loadUntilFound() { const hashTargetSelector = window.location.hash; if (!hashTargetSelector.startsWith('#diff-') && !hashTargetSelector.startsWith('#issuecomment-')) { return; } while (true) { // use getElementById to avoid querySelector throws an error when the hash is invalid // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-query-selector const targetElement = document.getElementById(hashTargetSelector.substring(1)); if (targetElement) { targetElement.scrollIntoView(); return; } // the button will be refreshed after each "load more", so query it every time const showMoreButton = document.querySelector('#diff-show-more-files'); if (!showMoreButton) { return; // nothing more to load } // Load more files, await ensures we don't block progress const ok = await loadMoreFiles(showMoreButton); if (!ok) return; // failed to load more files } } function initRepoDiffHashChangeListener() { window.addEventListener('hashchange', loadUntilFound); loadUntilFound(); } export function initRepoDiffView() { initRepoDiffConversationForm(); // such form appears on the "conversation" page and "diff" page if (!document.querySelector('#diff-file-boxes')) return; initRepoDiffConversationNav(); // "previous" and "next" buttons only appear on "diff" page initDiffFileTree(); initDiffCommitSelect(); initRepoDiffShowMore(); initDiffHeaderPopup(); initRepoDiffFileViewToggle(); initViewedCheckboxListenerFor(); initExpandAndCollapseFilesButton(); initRepoDiffHashChangeListener(); addDelegatedEventListener(document, 'click', '.fold-file', (el) => { invertFileFolding(el.closest('.file-content'), el); }); }