import {createApp} from 'vue'; import {toggleElem} from '../utils/dom.ts'; import {GET, PUT} from '../modules/fetch.ts'; import ViewFileTree from '../components/ViewFileTree.vue'; async function toggleSidebar(visibility) { const sidebarEl = document.querySelector('.repo-view-file-tree-sidebar'); const showBtnEl = document.querySelector('.show-tree-sidebar-button'); const refSelectorEl = document.querySelector('.repo-home-filelist .js-branch-tag-selector'); const newPrBtnEl = document.querySelector('.repo-home-filelist #new-pull-request'); const addFileEl = document.querySelector('.repo-home-filelist .add-file-dropdown'); const containerClassList = sidebarEl.parentElement.classList; containerClassList.toggle('repo-grid-tree-sidebar', visibility); containerClassList.toggle('repo-grid-filelist-only', !visibility); toggleElem(sidebarEl, visibility); toggleElem(showBtnEl, !visibility); toggleElem(refSelectorEl, !visibility); toggleElem(newPrBtnEl, !visibility); if (addFileEl) { toggleElem(addFileEl, !visibility); } // save to session await PUT('/repo/preferences', { data: { show_file_view_tree_sidebar: visibility, }, }); } async function loadChildren(item?) { const el = document.querySelector('#view-file-tree'); const apiBaseUrl = el.getAttribute('data-api-base-url'); const response = await GET(`${apiBaseUrl}/contents/${item ? item.path : ''}`); const json = await response.json(); if (json instanceof Array) { return => ({ name:, isFile: i.type === 'file', htmlUrl: i.html_url, path: i.path, })); } return null; } async function loadRecursive(treePath) { let root = null; let parent = null; let parentPath = ''; for (const i of (`/${treePath}`).split('/')) { const path = `${parentPath}${parentPath ? '/' : ''}${i}`; const result = await loadChildren({path}); if (root === null) { root = result; parent = root; } else { parent = parent.find((item) => item.path === path); parent.children = result; parent = result; } parentPath = path; } return root; } export async function initViewFileTreeSidebar() { const sidebarElement = document.querySelector('.repo-view-file-tree-sidebar'); if (!sidebarElement) return; document.querySelector('.show-tree-sidebar-button').addEventListener('click', () => { toggleSidebar(true); }); document.querySelector('.hide-tree-sidebar-button').addEventListener('click', () => { toggleSidebar(false); }); const fileTree = document.querySelector('#view-file-tree'); const treePath = fileTree.getAttribute('data-tree-path'); const files = await loadRecursive(treePath); fileTree.classList.remove('center'); const fileTreeView = createApp(ViewFileTree, {files, selectedItem: treePath, loadChildren}); fileTreeView.mount(fileTree); }