import $ from 'jquery'; import {useLightTextOnBackground} from '../utils/color.js'; import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2'; import {createSortable} from '../modules/sortable.js'; import {POST, DELETE, PUT} from '../modules/fetch.js'; function updateIssueCount(cards) { const parent = cards.parentElement; const cnt = parent.getElementsByClassName('issue-card').length; parent.getElementsByClassName('project-column-issue-count')[0].textContent = cnt; } async function createNewColumn(url, columnTitle, projectColorInput) { try { await POST(url, { data: { title: columnTitle.val(), color: projectColorInput.val(), }, }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } finally { columnTitle.closest('form').removeClass('dirty'); window.location.reload(); } } async function moveIssue({item, from, to, oldIndex}) { const columnCards = to.getElementsByClassName('issue-card'); updateIssueCount(from); updateIssueCount(to); const columnSorting = { issues: Array.from(columnCards, (card, i) => ({ issueID: parseInt($(card).attr('data-issue')), sorting: i, })), }; try { await POST(`${to.getAttribute('data-url')}/move`, { data: columnSorting, }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); from.insertBefore(item, from.children[oldIndex]); } } async function initRepoProjectSortable() { const els = document.querySelectorAll('#project-board > .board.sortable'); if (!els.length) return; // the HTML layout is: #project-board > .board > .project-column .cards > .issue-card const mainBoard = els[0]; let boardColumns = mainBoard.getElementsByClassName('project-column'); createSortable(mainBoard, { group: 'project-column', draggable: '.project-column', filter: '[data-id="0"]', animation: 150, ghostClass: 'card-ghost', delayOnTouchOnly: true, delay: 500, onSort: async () => { boardColumns = mainBoard.getElementsByClassName('project-column'); for (let i = 0; i < boardColumns.length; i++) { const column = boardColumns[i]; if (parseInt($(column).data('sorting')) !== i) { try { await PUT($(column).data('url'), { data: { sorting: i, color: rgbToHex($(column).css('backgroundColor')), }, }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } } }, }); for (const boardColumn of boardColumns) { const boardCardList = boardColumn.getElementsByClassName('cards')[0]; createSortable(boardCardList, { group: 'shared', animation: 150, ghostClass: 'card-ghost', onAdd: moveIssue, onUpdate: moveIssue, delayOnTouchOnly: true, delay: 500, }); } } export function initRepoProject() { if (!$('.repository.projects').length) { return; } const _promise = initRepoProjectSortable(); $('.edit-project-column-modal').each(function () { const $projectHeader = $(this).closest('.project-column-header'); const $projectTitleLabel = $projectHeader.find('.project-column-title'); const $projectTitleInput = $(this).find('.project-column-title-input'); const $projectColorInput = $(this).find('#new_project_column_color'); const $boardColumn = $(this).closest('.project-column'); if ($boardColumn.css('backgroundColor')) { setLabelColor($projectHeader, rgbToHex($boardColumn.css('backgroundColor'))); } $(this).find('.edit-project-column-button').on('click', async function (e) { e.preventDefault(); try { await PUT($(this).data('url'), { data: { title: $projectTitleInput.val(), color: $projectColorInput.val(), }, }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } finally { $projectTitleLabel.text($projectTitleInput.val()); $projectTitleInput.closest('form').removeClass('dirty'); if ($projectColorInput.val()) { setLabelColor($projectHeader, $projectColorInput.val()); } $boardColumn.attr('style', `background: ${$projectColorInput.val()}!important`); $('.ui.modal').modal('hide'); } }); }); $('.default-project-column-modal').each(function () { const $boardColumn = $(this).closest('.project-column'); const $showButton = $($boardColumn).find('.default-project-column-show'); const $commitButton = $(this).find('.actions > .ok.button'); $($commitButton).on('click', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); try { await POST($($showButton).data('url')); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } finally { window.location.reload(); } }); }); $('.show-delete-project-column-modal').each(function () { const $deleteColumnModal = $(`${$(this).attr('data-modal')}`); const $deleteColumnButton = $deleteColumnModal.find('.actions > .ok.button'); const deleteUrl = $(this).attr('data-url'); $deleteColumnButton.on('click', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); try { await DELETE(deleteUrl); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } finally { window.location.reload(); } }); }); $('#new_project_column_submit').on('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const $columnTitle = $('#new_project_column'); const $projectColorInput = $('#new_project_column_color_picker'); if (!$columnTitle.val()) { return; } const url ='data-url'); createNewColumn(url, $columnTitle, $projectColorInput); }); } function setLabelColor(label, color) { const {r, g, b} = tinycolor(color).toRgb(); if (useLightTextOnBackground(r, g, b)) { label.removeClass('dark-label').addClass('light-label'); } else { label.removeClass('light-label').addClass('dark-label'); } } function rgbToHex(rgb) { rgb = rgb.match(/^rgba?\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+).*\)$/); return `#${hex(rgb[1])}${hex(rgb[2])}${hex(rgb[3])}`; } function hex(x) { const hexDigits = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']; return Number.isNaN(x) ? '00' : hexDigits[(x - x % 16) / 16] + hexDigits[x % 16]; }