import emojis from '../../../assets/emoji.json' with {type: 'json'}; import {GET} from '../modules/fetch.ts'; import type {Issue} from '../types.ts'; const maxMatches = 6; function sortAndReduce<T>(map: Map<T, number>): T[] { const sortedMap = new Map(Array.from(map.entries()).sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1])); return Array.from(sortedMap.keys()).slice(0, maxMatches); } export function matchEmoji(queryText: string): string[] { const query = queryText.toLowerCase().replaceAll('_', ' '); if (!query) return emojis.slice(0, maxMatches).map((e) => e.aliases[0]); // results is a map of weights, lower is better const results = new Map<string, number>(); for (const {aliases} of emojis) { const mainAlias = aliases[0]; for (const [aliasIndex, alias] of aliases.entries()) { const index = alias.replaceAll('_', ' ').indexOf(query); if (index === -1) continue; const existing = results.get(mainAlias); const rankedIndex = index + aliasIndex; results.set(mainAlias, existing ? existing - rankedIndex : rankedIndex); } } return sortAndReduce(results); } type MentionSuggestion = {value: string; name: string; fullname: string; avatar: string}; export function matchMention(queryText: string): MentionSuggestion[] { const query = queryText.toLowerCase(); // results is a map of weights, lower is better const results = new Map<MentionSuggestion, number>(); for (const obj of window.config.mentionValues ?? []) { const index = obj.key.toLowerCase().indexOf(query); if (index === -1) continue; const existing = results.get(obj); results.set(obj, existing ? existing - index : index); } return sortAndReduce(results); } export async function matchIssue(owner: string, repo: string, issueIndexStr: string, query: string): Promise<Issue[]> { const res = await GET(`${window.config.appSubUrl}/${owner}/${repo}/issues/suggestions?q=${encodeURIComponent(query)}`); const issues: Issue[] = await res.json(); const issueNumber = parseInt(issueIndexStr); // filter out issue with same id return issues.filter((i) => i.number !== issueNumber); }