//  Copyright (c) 2014 Couchbase, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// 		http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package bleve

import (

// A Batch groups together multiple Index and Delete
// operations you would like performed at the same
// time.  The Batch structure is NOT thread-safe.
// You should only perform operations on a batch
// from a single thread at a time.  Once batch
// execution has started, you may not modify it.
type Batch struct {
	index    Index
	internal *index.Batch

// Index adds the specified index operation to the
// batch.  NOTE: the bleve Index is not updated
// until the batch is executed.
func (b *Batch) Index(id string, data interface{}) error {
	if id == "" {
		return ErrorEmptyID
	doc := document.NewDocument(id)
	err := b.index.Mapping().MapDocument(doc, data)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// IndexAdvanced adds the specified index operation to the
// batch which skips the mapping.  NOTE: the bleve Index is not updated
// until the batch is executed.
func (b *Batch) IndexAdvanced(doc *document.Document) (err error) {
	if doc.ID == "" {
		return ErrorEmptyID
	return nil

// Delete adds the specified delete operation to the
// batch.  NOTE: the bleve Index is not updated until
// the batch is executed.
func (b *Batch) Delete(id string) {
	if id != "" {

// SetInternal adds the specified set internal
// operation to the batch. NOTE: the bleve Index is
// not updated until the batch is executed.
func (b *Batch) SetInternal(key, val []byte) {
	b.internal.SetInternal(key, val)

// SetInternal adds the specified delete internal
// operation to the batch. NOTE: the bleve Index is
// not updated until the batch is executed.
func (b *Batch) DeleteInternal(key []byte) {

// Size returns the total number of operations inside the batch
// including normal index operations and internal operations.
func (b *Batch) Size() int {
	return len(b.internal.IndexOps) + len(b.internal.InternalOps)

// String prints a user friendly string representation of what
// is inside this batch.
func (b *Batch) String() string {
	return b.internal.String()

// Reset returns a Batch to the empty state so that it can
// be re-used in the future.
func (b *Batch) Reset() {

// An Index implements all the indexing and searching
// capabilities of bleve.  An Index can be created
// using the New() and Open() methods.
// Index() takes an input value, deduces a DocumentMapping for its type,
// assigns string paths to its fields or values then applies field mappings on
// them.
// The DocumentMapping used to index a value is deduced by the following rules:
// 1) If value implements mapping.bleveClassifier interface, resolve the mapping
//    from BleveType().
// 2) If value implements mapping.Classifier interface, resolve the mapping
//    from Type().
// 3) If value has a string field or value at IndexMapping.TypeField.
// (defaulting to "_type"), use it to resolve the mapping. Fields addressing
// is described below.
// 4) If IndexMapping.DefaultType is registered, return it.
// 5) Return IndexMapping.DefaultMapping.
// Each field or nested field of the value is identified by a string path, then
// mapped to one or several FieldMappings which extract the result for analysis.
// Struct values fields are identified by their "json:" tag, or by their name.
// Nested fields are identified by prefixing with their parent identifier,
// separated by a dot.
// Map values entries are identified by their string key. Entries not indexed
// by strings are ignored. Entry values are identified recursively like struct
// fields.
// Slice and array values are identified by their field name. Their elements
// are processed sequentially with the same FieldMapping.
// String, float64 and time.Time values are identified by their field name.
// Other types are ignored.
// Each value identifier is decomposed in its parts and recursively address
// SubDocumentMappings in the tree starting at the root DocumentMapping.  If a
// mapping is found, all its FieldMappings are applied to the value. If no
// mapping is found and the root DocumentMapping is dynamic, default mappings
// are used based on value type and IndexMapping default configurations.
// Finally, mapped values are analyzed, indexed or stored. See
// FieldMapping.Analyzer to know how an analyzer is resolved for a given field.
// Examples:
//  type Date struct {
//    Day string `json:"day"`
//    Month string
//    Year string
//  }
//  type Person struct {
//    FirstName string `json:"first_name"`
//    LastName string
//    BirthDate Date `json:"birth_date"`
//  }
// A Person value FirstName is mapped by the SubDocumentMapping at
// "first_name". Its LastName is mapped by the one at "LastName". The day of
// BirthDate is mapped to the SubDocumentMapping "day" of the root
// SubDocumentMapping "birth_date". It will appear as the "birth_date.day"
// field in the index. The month is mapped to "birth_date.Month".
type Index interface {
	// Index analyzes, indexes or stores mapped data fields. Supplied
	// identifier is bound to analyzed data and will be retrieved by search
	// requests. See Index interface documentation for details about mapping
	// rules.
	Index(id string, data interface{}) error
	Delete(id string) error

	NewBatch() *Batch
	Batch(b *Batch) error

	// Document returns specified document or nil if the document is not
	// indexed or stored.
	Document(id string) (*document.Document, error)
	// DocCount returns the number of documents in the index.
	DocCount() (uint64, error)

	Search(req *SearchRequest) (*SearchResult, error)
	SearchInContext(ctx context.Context, req *SearchRequest) (*SearchResult, error)

	Fields() ([]string, error)

	FieldDict(field string) (index.FieldDict, error)
	FieldDictRange(field string, startTerm []byte, endTerm []byte) (index.FieldDict, error)
	FieldDictPrefix(field string, termPrefix []byte) (index.FieldDict, error)

	Close() error

	Mapping() mapping.IndexMapping

	Stats() *IndexStat
	StatsMap() map[string]interface{}

	GetInternal(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
	SetInternal(key, val []byte) error
	DeleteInternal(key []byte) error

	// Name returns the name of the index (by default this is the path)
	Name() string
	// SetName lets you assign your own logical name to this index

	// Advanced returns the indexer and data store, exposing lower level
	// methods to enumerate records and access data.
	Advanced() (index.Index, store.KVStore, error)

// New index at the specified path, must not exist.
// The provided mapping will be used for all
// Index/Search operations.
func New(path string, mapping mapping.IndexMapping) (Index, error) {
	return newIndexUsing(path, mapping, Config.DefaultIndexType, Config.DefaultKVStore, nil)

// NewMemOnly creates a memory-only index.
// The contents of the index is NOT persisted,
// and will be lost once closed.
// The provided mapping will be used for all
// Index/Search operations.
func NewMemOnly(mapping mapping.IndexMapping) (Index, error) {
	return newIndexUsing("", mapping, Config.DefaultIndexType, Config.DefaultMemKVStore, nil)

// NewUsing creates index at the specified path,
// which must not already exist.
// The provided mapping will be used for all
// Index/Search operations.
// The specified index type will be used.
// The specified kvstore implementation will be used
// and the provided kvconfig will be passed to its
// constructor. Note that currently the values of kvconfig must
// be able to be marshaled and unmarshaled using the encoding/json library (used
// when reading/writing the index metadata file).
func NewUsing(path string, mapping mapping.IndexMapping, indexType string, kvstore string, kvconfig map[string]interface{}) (Index, error) {
	return newIndexUsing(path, mapping, indexType, kvstore, kvconfig)

// Open index at the specified path, must exist.
// The mapping used when it was created will be used for all Index/Search operations.
func Open(path string) (Index, error) {
	return openIndexUsing(path, nil)

// OpenUsing opens index at the specified path, must exist.
// The mapping used when it was created will be used for all Index/Search operations.
// The provided runtimeConfig can override settings
// persisted when the kvstore was created.
func OpenUsing(path string, runtimeConfig map[string]interface{}) (Index, error) {
	return openIndexUsing(path, runtimeConfig)