export const EventEditorContentChanged = 'ce-editor-content-changed'; export function triggerEditorContentChanged(target) { target.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(EventEditorContentChanged, {bubbles: true})); } export function textareaInsertText(textarea, value) { const startPos = textarea.selectionStart; const endPos = textarea.selectionEnd; textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0, startPos) + value + textarea.value.substring(endPos); textarea.selectionStart = startPos; textarea.selectionEnd = startPos + value.length; textarea.focus(); triggerEditorContentChanged(textarea); } type TextareaValueSelection = { value: string; selStart: number; selEnd: number; } function handleIndentSelection(textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement, e) { const selStart = textarea.selectionStart; const selEnd = textarea.selectionEnd; if (selEnd === selStart) return; // do not process when no selection e.preventDefault(); const lines = textarea.value.split('\n'); const selectedLines = []; let pos = 0; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (pos > selEnd) break; if (pos >= selStart) selectedLines.push(i); pos += lines[i].length + 1; } for (const i of selectedLines) { if (e.shiftKey) { lines[i] = lines[i].replace(/^(\t| {1,2})/, ''); } else { lines[i] = ` ${lines[i]}`; } } // re-calculating the selection range let newSelStart, newSelEnd; pos = 0; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (i === selectedLines[0]) { newSelStart = pos; } if (i === selectedLines[selectedLines.length - 1]) { newSelEnd = pos + lines[i].length; break; } pos += lines[i].length + 1; } textarea.value = lines.join('\n'); textarea.setSelectionRange(newSelStart, newSelEnd); triggerEditorContentChanged(textarea); } type MarkdownHandleIndentionResult = { handled: boolean; valueSelection?: TextareaValueSelection; } type TextLinesBuffer = { lines: string[]; lengthBeforePosLine: number; posLineIndex: number; inlinePos: number } export function textareaSplitLines(value: string, pos: number): TextLinesBuffer { const lines = value.split('\n'); let lengthBeforePosLine = 0, inlinePos = 0, posLineIndex = 0; for (; posLineIndex < lines.length; posLineIndex++) { const lineLength = lines[posLineIndex].length + 1; if (lengthBeforePosLine + lineLength > pos) { inlinePos = pos - lengthBeforePosLine; break; } lengthBeforePosLine += lineLength; } return {lines, lengthBeforePosLine, posLineIndex, inlinePos}; } function markdownReformatListNumbers(linesBuf: TextLinesBuffer, indention: string) { const reDeeperIndention = new RegExp(`^${indention}\\s+`); const reSameLevel = new RegExp(`^${indention}([0-9]+)\\.`); let firstLineIdx: number; for (firstLineIdx = linesBuf.posLineIndex - 1; firstLineIdx >= 0; firstLineIdx--) { const line = linesBuf.lines[firstLineIdx]; if (!reDeeperIndention.test(line) && !reSameLevel.test(line)) break; } firstLineIdx++; let num = 1; for (let i = firstLineIdx; i < linesBuf.lines.length; i++) { const oldLine = linesBuf.lines[i]; const sameLevel = reSameLevel.test(oldLine); if (!sameLevel && !reDeeperIndention.test(oldLine)) break; if (sameLevel) { const newLine = `${indention}${num}.${oldLine.replace(reSameLevel, '')}`; linesBuf.lines[i] = newLine; num++; if (linesBuf.posLineIndex === i) { // need to correct the cursor inline position if the line length changes linesBuf.inlinePos += newLine.length - oldLine.length; linesBuf.inlinePos = Math.max(0, linesBuf.inlinePos); linesBuf.inlinePos = Math.min(newLine.length, linesBuf.inlinePos); } } } recalculateLengthBeforeLine(linesBuf); } function recalculateLengthBeforeLine(linesBuf: TextLinesBuffer) { linesBuf.lengthBeforePosLine = 0; for (let i = 0; i < linesBuf.posLineIndex; i++) { linesBuf.lengthBeforePosLine += linesBuf.lines[i].length + 1; } } export function markdownHandleIndention(tvs: TextareaValueSelection): MarkdownHandleIndentionResult { const unhandled: MarkdownHandleIndentionResult = {handled: false}; if (tvs.selEnd !== tvs.selStart) return unhandled; // do not process when there is a selection const linesBuf = textareaSplitLines(tvs.value, tvs.selStart); const line = linesBuf.lines[linesBuf.posLineIndex] ?? ''; if (!line) return unhandled; // if the line is empty, do nothing, let the browser handle it // parse the indention let lineContent = line; const indention = /^\s*/.exec(lineContent)[0]; lineContent = lineContent.slice(indention.length); if (linesBuf.inlinePos <= indention.length) return unhandled; // if cursor is at the indention, do nothing, let the browser handle it // parse the prefixes: "1. ", "- ", "* ", there could also be " [ ] " or " [x] " for task lists // there must be a space after the prefix because none of "1.foo" / "-foo" is a list item const prefixMatch = /^([0-9]+\.|[-*])(\s\[([ x])\])?\s/.exec(lineContent); let prefix = ''; if (prefixMatch) { prefix = prefixMatch[0]; if (prefix.length > linesBuf.inlinePos) prefix = ''; // do not add new line if cursor is at prefix } lineContent = lineContent.slice(prefix.length); if (!indention && !prefix) return unhandled; // if no indention and no prefix, do nothing, let the browser handle it if (!lineContent) { // clear current line if we only have i.e. '1. ' and the user presses enter again to finish creating a list linesBuf.lines[linesBuf.posLineIndex] = ''; linesBuf.inlinePos = 0; } else { // start a new line with the same indention let newPrefix = prefix; if (/^\d+\./.test(prefix)) newPrefix = `1. ${newPrefix.slice(newPrefix.indexOf('.') + 2)}`; newPrefix = newPrefix.replace('[x]', '[ ]'); const inlinePos = linesBuf.inlinePos; linesBuf.lines[linesBuf.posLineIndex] = line.substring(0, inlinePos); const newLineLeft = `${indention}${newPrefix}`; const newLine = `${newLineLeft}${line.substring(inlinePos)}`; linesBuf.lines.splice(linesBuf.posLineIndex + 1, 0, newLine); linesBuf.posLineIndex++; linesBuf.inlinePos = newLineLeft.length; recalculateLengthBeforeLine(linesBuf); } markdownReformatListNumbers(linesBuf, indention); const newPos = linesBuf.lengthBeforePosLine + linesBuf.inlinePos; return {handled: true, valueSelection: {value: linesBuf.lines.join('\n'), selStart: newPos, selEnd: newPos}}; } function handleNewline(textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement, e: Event) { const ret = markdownHandleIndention({value: textarea.value, selStart: textarea.selectionStart, selEnd: textarea.selectionEnd}); if (!ret.handled) return; e.preventDefault(); textarea.value = ret.valueSelection.value; textarea.setSelectionRange(ret.valueSelection.selStart, ret.valueSelection.selEnd); triggerEditorContentChanged(textarea); } function isTextExpanderShown(textarea: HTMLElement): boolean { return Boolean(textarea.closest('text-expander')?.querySelector('.suggestions')); } export function initTextareaMarkdown(textarea) { textarea.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { if (isTextExpanderShown(textarea)) return; if (e.key === 'Tab' && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && !e.altKey) { // use Tab/Shift-Tab to indent/unindent the selected lines handleIndentSelection(textarea, e); } else if (e.key === 'Enter' && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && !e.altKey) { // use Enter to insert a new line with the same indention and prefix handleNewline(textarea, e); } }); }