import {svg} from '../svg.ts'; import {createTippy} from '../modules/tippy.ts'; import {clippie} from 'clippie'; import {toAbsoluteUrl} from '../utils.ts'; import {addDelegatedEventListener} from '../utils/dom.ts'; function changeHash(hash: string) { if (window.history.pushState) { window.history.pushState(null, null, hash); } else { window.location.hash = hash; } } // it selects the code lines defined by range: `L1-L3` (3 lines) or `L2` (singe line) function selectRange(range: string): Element { for (const el of document.querySelectorAll('.code-view')) el.classList.remove('active'); const elLineNums = document.querySelectorAll(`.code-view td.lines-num span[data-line-number]`); const refInNewIssue = document.querySelector('a.ref-in-new-issue'); const copyPermalink = document.querySelector('a.copy-line-permalink'); const viewGitBlame = document.querySelector('a.view_git_blame'); const updateIssueHref = function (anchor: string) { if (!refInNewIssue) return; const urlIssueNew = refInNewIssue.getAttribute('data-url-issue-new'); const urlParamBodyLink = refInNewIssue.getAttribute('data-url-param-body-link'); const issueContent = `${toAbsoluteUrl(urlParamBodyLink)}#${anchor}`; // the default content for issue body refInNewIssue.setAttribute('href', `${urlIssueNew}?body=${encodeURIComponent(issueContent)}`); }; const updateViewGitBlameFragment = function (anchor: string) { if (!viewGitBlame) return; let href = viewGitBlame.getAttribute('href'); href = `${href.replace(/#L\d+$|#L\d+-L\d+$/, '')}`; if (anchor.length !== 0) { href = `${href}#${anchor}`; } viewGitBlame.setAttribute('href', href); }; const updateCopyPermalinkUrl = function (anchor: string) { if (!copyPermalink) return; let link = copyPermalink.getAttribute('data-url'); link = `${link.replace(/#L\d+$|#L\d+-L\d+$/, '')}#${anchor}`; copyPermalink.setAttribute('data-url', link); }; const rangeFields = range ? range.split('-') : []; const start = rangeFields[0] ?? ''; if (!start) return null; const stop = rangeFields[1] || start; // format is i.e. 'L14-L26' let startLineNum = parseInt(start.substring(1)); let stopLineNum = parseInt(stop.substring(1)); if (startLineNum > stopLineNum) { const tmp = startLineNum; startLineNum = stopLineNum; stopLineNum = tmp; range = `${stop}-${start}`; } const first = elLineNums[startLineNum - 1] ?? null; for (let i = startLineNum - 1; i <= stopLineNum - 1 && i < elLineNums.length; i++) { elLineNums[i].closest('tr').classList.add('active'); } changeHash(`#${range}`); updateIssueHref(range); updateViewGitBlameFragment(range); updateCopyPermalinkUrl(range); return first; } function showLineButton() { const menu = document.querySelector('.code-line-menu'); if (!menu) return; // remove all other line buttons for (const el of document.querySelectorAll('.code-line-button')) { el.remove(); } // find active row and add button const tr = document.querySelector('.code-view'); if (!tr) return; const td = tr.querySelector('td.lines-num'); const btn = document.createElement('button'); btn.classList.add('code-line-button', 'ui', 'basic', 'button'); btn.innerHTML = svg('octicon-kebab-horizontal'); td.prepend(btn); // put a copy of the menu back into DOM for the next click btn.closest('.code-view').append(menu.cloneNode(true)); createTippy(btn, { theme: 'menu', trigger: 'click', hideOnClick: true, content: menu, placement: 'right-start', interactive: true, onShow: (tippy) => { tippy.popper.addEventListener('click', () => { tippy.hide(); }, {once: true}); }, }); } export function initRepoCodeView() { if (!document.querySelector('.code-view .lines-num')) return; let selRangeStart: string; addDelegatedEventListener(document, 'click', '.lines-num span', (el: HTMLElement, e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (!selRangeStart || !e.shiftKey) { selRangeStart = el.getAttribute('id'); selectRange(selRangeStart); } else { const selRangeStop = el.getAttribute('id'); selectRange(`${selRangeStart}-${selRangeStop}`); } window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); showLineButton(); }); const onHashChange = () => { if (!window.location.hash) return; const range = window.location.hash.substring(1); const first = selectRange(range); if (first) { // set scrollRestoration to 'manual' when there is a hash in url, so that the scroll position will not be remembered after refreshing if (window.history.scrollRestoration !== 'manual') window.history.scrollRestoration = 'manual'; first.scrollIntoView({block: 'start'}); showLineButton(); } }; onHashChange(); window.addEventListener('hashchange', onHashChange); addDelegatedEventListener(document, 'click', '.copy-line-permalink', (el) => { clippie(toAbsoluteUrl(el.getAttribute('data-url'))); }); }