// Copyright 2022 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package math import ( "bytes" "github.com/yuin/goldmark/ast" "github.com/yuin/goldmark/parser" "github.com/yuin/goldmark/text" ) type inlineParser struct { start []byte end []byte } var defaultInlineDollarParser = &inlineParser{ start: []byte{'$'}, end: []byte{'$'}, } // NewInlineDollarParser returns a new inline parser func NewInlineDollarParser() parser.InlineParser { return defaultInlineDollarParser } var defaultInlineBracketParser = &inlineParser{ start: []byte{'\\', '('}, end: []byte{'\\', ')'}, } // NewInlineDollarParser returns a new inline parser func NewInlineBracketParser() parser.InlineParser { return defaultInlineBracketParser } // Trigger triggers this parser on $ func (parser *inlineParser) Trigger() []byte { return parser.start[0:1] } func isAlphanumeric(b byte) bool { // Github only cares about 0-9A-Za-z return (b >= '0' && b <= '9') || (b >= 'A' && b <= 'Z') || (b >= 'a' && b <= 'z') } // Parse parses the current line and returns a result of parsing. func (parser *inlineParser) Parse(parent ast.Node, block text.Reader, pc parser.Context) ast.Node { line, _ := block.PeekLine() opener := bytes.Index(line, parser.start) if opener < 0 { return nil } if opener != 0 && isAlphanumeric(line[opener-1]) { return nil } opener += len(parser.start) ender := bytes.Index(line[opener:], parser.end) if ender < 0 { return nil } if len(line) > opener+ender+len(parser.end) && isAlphanumeric(line[opener+ender+len(parser.end)]) { return nil } block.Advance(opener) _, pos := block.Position() node := NewInline() segment := pos.WithStop(pos.Start + ender) node.AppendChild(node, ast.NewRawTextSegment(segment)) block.Advance(ender + len(parser.end)) trimBlock(node, block) return node } func trimBlock(node *Inline, block text.Reader) { if node.IsBlank(block.Source()) { return } // trim first space and last space first := node.FirstChild().(*ast.Text) if !(!first.Segment.IsEmpty() && block.Source()[first.Segment.Start] == ' ') { return } last := node.LastChild().(*ast.Text) if !(!last.Segment.IsEmpty() && block.Source()[last.Segment.Stop-1] == ' ') { return } first.Segment = first.Segment.WithStart(first.Segment.Start + 1) last.Segment = last.Segment.WithStop(last.Segment.Stop - 1) }