import {querySingleVisibleElem} from '../../utils/dom.ts'; export function handleGlobalEnterQuickSubmit(target) { let form = target.closest('form'); if (form) { if (!form.checkValidity()) { form.reportValidity(); } else { // here use the event to trigger the submit event (instead of calling `submit()` method directly) // otherwise the `areYouSure` handler won't be executed, then there will be an annoying "confirm to leave" dialog form.dispatchEvent(new SubmitEvent('submit', {bubbles: true, cancelable: true})); } return true; } form = target.closest('.ui.form'); if (form) { // A form should only have at most one "primary" button to do quick-submit. // Here we don't use a special class to mark the primary button, // because there could be a lot of forms with a primary button, the quick submit should work out-of-box, // but not keeps asking developers to add that special class again and again (it could be forgotten easily) querySingleVisibleElem<HTMLButtonElement>(form, '.ui.primary.button')?.click(); return true; } return false; }