import {clippie} from 'clippie'; import {showTemporaryTooltip} from '../modules/tippy.ts'; import {convertImage} from '../utils.ts'; import {GET} from '../modules/fetch.ts'; import {registerGlobalEventFunc} from '../modules/observer.ts'; const {i18n} = window.config; export function initCopyContent() { registerGlobalEventFunc('click', 'onCopyContentButtonClick', async (btn: HTMLElement) => { if (btn.classList.contains('disabled') || btn.classList.contains('is-loading')) return; let content; let isRasterImage = false; const link = btn.getAttribute('data-link'); // when data-link is present, we perform a fetch. this is either because // the text to copy is not in the DOM, or it is an image which should be // fetched to copy in full resolution if (link) { btn.classList.add('is-loading', 'loading-icon-2px'); try { const res = await GET(link, {credentials: 'include', redirect: 'follow'}); const contentType = res.headers.get('content-type'); if (contentType.startsWith('image/') && !contentType.startsWith('image/svg')) { isRasterImage = true; content = await res.blob(); } else { content = await res.text(); } } catch { return showTemporaryTooltip(btn, i18n.copy_error); } finally { btn.classList.remove('is-loading', 'loading-icon-2px'); } } else { // text, read from DOM const lineEls = document.querySelectorAll('.file-view .lines-code'); content = Array.from(lineEls, (el) => el.textContent).join(''); } // try copy original first, if that fails, and it's an image, convert it to png const success = await clippie(content); if (success) { showTemporaryTooltip(btn, i18n.copy_success); } else { if (isRasterImage) { const success = await clippie(await convertImage(content as Blob, 'image/png')); showTemporaryTooltip(btn, success ? i18n.copy_success : i18n.copy_error); } else { showTemporaryTooltip(btn, i18n.copy_error); } } }); }