#!/bin/bash # Prepare git folder mkdir -p ${HOME} && chmod 0700 ${HOME} if [ ! -w ${HOME} ]; then echo "${HOME} is not writable"; exit 1; fi # Prepare custom folder mkdir -p ${GITEA_CUSTOM} && chmod 0500 ${GITEA_CUSTOM} # Prepare temp folder mkdir -p ${GITEA_TEMP} && chmod 0700 ${GITEA_TEMP} if [ ! -w ${GITEA_TEMP} ]; then echo "${GITEA_TEMP} is not writable"; exit 1; fi #Prepare config file if [ ! -f ${GITEA_APP_INI} ]; then #Prepare config file folder GITEA_APP_INI_DIR=$(dirname ${GITEA_APP_INI}) mkdir -p ${GITEA_APP_INI_DIR} && chmod 0700 ${GITEA_APP_INI_DIR} if [ ! -w ${GITEA_APP_INI_DIR} ]; then echo "${GITEA_APP_INI_DIR} is not writable"; exit 1; fi # Set INSTALL_LOCK to true only if SECRET_KEY is not empty and # INSTALL_LOCK is empty if [ -n "$SECRET_KEY" ] && [ -z "$INSTALL_LOCK" ]; then INSTALL_LOCK=true fi # Substitude the environment variables in the template APP_NAME=${APP_NAME:-"Gitea: Git with a cup of tea"} \ RUN_MODE=${RUN_MODE:-"prod"} \ RUN_USER=${USER:-"git"} \ SSH_DOMAIN=${SSH_DOMAIN:-"localhost"} \ HTTP_PORT=${HTTP_PORT:-"3000"} \ ROOT_URL=${ROOT_URL:-""} \ DISABLE_SSH=${DISABLE_SSH:-"false"} \ SSH_PORT=${SSH_PORT:-"2222"} \ SSH_LISTEN_PORT=${SSH_LISTEN_PORT:-$SSH_PORT} \ DB_TYPE=${DB_TYPE:-"sqlite3"} \ DB_HOST=${DB_HOST:-"localhost:3306"} \ DB_NAME=${DB_NAME:-"gitea"} \ DB_USER=${DB_USER:-"root"} \ DB_PASSWD=${DB_PASSWD:-""} \ INSTALL_LOCK=${INSTALL_LOCK:-"false"} \ DISABLE_REGISTRATION=${DISABLE_REGISTRATION:-"false"} \ REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW=${REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW:-"false"} \ SECRET_KEY=${SECRET_KEY:-""} \ envsubst < /etc/templates/app.ini > ${GITEA_APP_INI} fi