import {htmlEscape} from 'escape-goat'; import {createCodeEditor} from './codeeditor.ts'; import {hideElem, queryElems, showElem, createElementFromHTML} from '../utils/dom.ts'; import {attachRefIssueContextPopup} from './contextpopup.ts'; import {POST} from '../modules/fetch.ts'; import {initDropzone} from './dropzone.ts'; import {confirmModal} from './comp/ConfirmModal.ts'; import {applyAreYouSure, ignoreAreYouSure} from '../vendor/jquery.are-you-sure.ts'; import {fomanticQuery} from '../modules/fomantic/base.ts'; function initEditPreviewTab(elForm: HTMLFormElement) { const elTabMenu = elForm.querySelector('.repo-editor-menu'); fomanticQuery(elTabMenu.querySelectorAll('.item')).tab(); const elPreviewTab = elTabMenu.querySelector('a[data-tab="preview"]'); const elPreviewPanel = elForm.querySelector('.tab[data-tab="preview"]'); if (!elPreviewTab || !elPreviewPanel) return; elPreviewTab.addEventListener('click', async () => { const elTreePath = elForm.querySelector('input#tree_path'); const previewUrl = elPreviewTab.getAttribute('data-preview-url'); const previewContextRef = elPreviewTab.getAttribute('data-preview-context-ref'); let previewContext = `${previewContextRef}/${elTreePath.value}`; previewContext = previewContext.substring(0, previewContext.lastIndexOf('/')); const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('mode', 'file'); formData.append('context', previewContext); formData.append('text', elForm.querySelector('.tab[data-tab="write"] textarea').value); formData.append('file_path', elTreePath.value); const response = await POST(previewUrl, {data: formData}); const data = await response.text(); renderPreviewPanelContent(elPreviewPanel, data); }); } export function initRepoEditor() { const dropzoneUpload = document.querySelector('.page-content.repository.editor.upload .dropzone'); if (dropzoneUpload) initDropzone(dropzoneUpload); for (const el of queryElems(document, '.js-quick-pull-choice-option')) { el.addEventListener('input', () => { if (el.value === 'commit-to-new-branch') { showElem('.quick-pull-branch-name'); document.querySelector('.quick-pull-branch-name input').required = true; } else { hideElem('.quick-pull-branch-name'); document.querySelector('.quick-pull-branch-name input').required = false; } document.querySelector('#commit-button').textContent = el.getAttribute('data-button-text'); }); } const filenameInput = document.querySelector('#file-name'); if (!filenameInput) return; function joinTreePath() { const parts = []; for (const el of document.querySelectorAll('.breadcrumb span.section')) { const link = el.querySelector('a'); parts.push(link ? link.textContent : el.textContent); } if (filenameInput.value) { parts.push(filenameInput.value); } document.querySelector('#tree_path').value = parts.join('/'); } filenameInput.addEventListener('input', function () { const parts = filenameInput.value.split('/'); const links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.breadcrumb span.section')); const dividers = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.breadcrumb .breadcrumb-divider')); let warningDiv = document.querySelector(''); let containSpace = false; if (parts.length > 1) { for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) { const value = parts[i]; const trimValue = value.trim(); if (trimValue === '..') { // remove previous tree path if (links.length > 0) { const link = links.pop(); const divider = dividers.pop(); link.remove(); divider.remove(); } continue; } if (i < parts.length - 1) { if (trimValue.length) { const linkElement = createElementFromHTML( `${htmlEscape(value)}`, ); const dividerElement = createElementFromHTML( ``, ); links.push(linkElement); dividers.push(dividerElement); filenameInput.before(linkElement); filenameInput.before(dividerElement); } } else { filenameInput.value = value; } this.setSelectionRange(0, 0); containSpace = containSpace || (trimValue !== value && trimValue !== ''); } } containSpace = containSpace || Array.from(links).some((link) => { const value = link.querySelector('a').textContent; return value.trim() !== value; }); containSpace = containSpace || parts[parts.length - 1].trim() !== parts[parts.length - 1]; if (containSpace) { if (!warningDiv) { warningDiv = document.createElement('div'); warningDiv.classList.add('ui', 'warning', 'message', 'flash-message', 'flash-warning', 'space-related'); warningDiv.innerHTML = '

File path contains leading or trailing whitespace.

'; // Add display 'block' because display is set to 'none' in formantic\build\semantic.css = 'block'; const inputContainer = document.querySelector('.repo-editor-header'); inputContainer.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', warningDiv); } showElem(warningDiv); } else if (warningDiv) { hideElem(warningDiv); } joinTreePath(); }); filenameInput.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) { const sections = queryElems(document, '.breadcrumb span.section'); const dividers = queryElems(document, '.breadcrumb .breadcrumb-divider'); // Jump back to last directory once the filename is empty if (e.code === 'Backspace' && filenameInput.selectionStart === 0 && sections.length > 0) { e.preventDefault(); const lastSection = sections[sections.length - 1]; const lastDivider = dividers.length ? dividers[dividers.length - 1] : null; const value = lastSection.querySelector('a').textContent; filenameInput.value = value + filenameInput.value; this.setSelectionRange(value.length, value.length); lastDivider?.remove(); lastSection.remove(); joinTreePath(); } }); // on the upload page, there is no editor(textarea) const editArea = document.querySelector('.page-content.repository.editor textarea#edit_area'); if (!editArea) return; const elForm = document.querySelector('.repository.editor .edit.form'); initEditPreviewTab(elForm); (async () => { const editor = await createCodeEditor(editArea, filenameInput); // Using events from // to enable or disable the commit button const commitButton = document.querySelector('#commit-button'); const dirtyFileClass = 'dirty-file'; // Disabling the button at the start if (document.querySelector('input[name="page_has_posted"]').value !== 'true') { commitButton.disabled = true; } // Registering a custom listener for the file path and the file content // FIXME: it is not quite right here (old bug), it causes double-init, the global areYouSure "dirty" class will also be added applyAreYouSure(elForm, { silent: true, dirtyClass: dirtyFileClass, fieldSelector: ':input:not(.commit-form-wrapper :input)', change($form: any) { const dirty = $form[0]?.classList.contains(dirtyFileClass); commitButton.disabled = !dirty; }, }); // Update the editor from query params, if available, // only after the dirtyFileClass initialization const params = new URLSearchParams(; const value = params.get('value'); if (value) { editor.setValue(value); } commitButton?.addEventListener('click', async (e) => { // A modal which asks if an empty file should be committed if (!editArea.value) { e.preventDefault(); if (await confirmModal({ header: elForm.getAttribute('data-text-empty-confirm-header'), content: elForm.getAttribute('data-text-empty-confirm-content'), })) { ignoreAreYouSure(elForm); elForm.submit(); } } }); })(); } export function renderPreviewPanelContent(previewPanel: Element, content: string) { previewPanel.innerHTML = `
`; attachRefIssueContextPopup(previewPanel.querySelectorAll('p .ref-issue')); }