import $ from 'jquery'; import {hideElem, showElem} from '../utils/dom.js'; const {appSubUrl} = window.config; export function initRepoMigrationStatusChecker() { const $repoMigrating = $('#repo_migrating'); if (!$repoMigrating.length) return; const task = $repoMigrating.attr('data-migrating-task-id'); // returns true if the refresh still need to be called after a while const refresh = async () => { const res = await fetch(`${appSubUrl}/user/task/${task}`); if (res.status !== 200) return true; // continue to refresh if network error occurs const data = await res.json(); // for all status if (data.message) { $('#repo_migrating_progress_message').text(data.message); } // TaskStatusFinished if (data.status === 4) { window.location.reload(); return false; } // TaskStatusFailed if (data.status === 3) { hideElem('#repo_migrating_progress'); hideElem('#repo_migrating'); showElem('#repo_migrating_failed'); showElem('#repo_migrating_failed_image'); $('#repo_migrating_failed_error').text(data.message); return false; } return true; // continue to refresh }; const syncTaskStatus = async () => { let doNextRefresh = true; try { doNextRefresh = await refresh(); } finally { if (doNextRefresh) { setTimeout(syncTaskStatus, 2000); } } }; syncTaskStatus(); // no await }