# This is the official list of people who can contribute # (and typically have contributed) code to the go-diff # repository. # # The AUTHORS file lists the copyright holders; this file # lists people. For example, ACME Inc. employees would be listed here # but not in AUTHORS, because ACME Inc. would hold the copyright. # # When adding J Random Contributor's name to this file, # either J's name or J's organization's name should be # added to the AUTHORS file. # # Names should be added to this file like so: # Name <email address> # # Please keep the list sorted. Danny Yoo <dannyyoo@google.com> James Kolb <jkolb@google.com> Jonathan Amsterdam <jba@google.com> Markus Zimmermann <markus.zimmermann@nethead.at> <markus.zimmermann@symflower.com> <zimmski@gmail.com> Matt Kovars <akaskik@gmail.com> Örjan Persson <orjan@spotify.com> Osman Masood <oamasood@gmail.com> Robert Carlsen <rwcarlsen@gmail.com> Rory Flynn <roryflynn@users.noreply.github.com> Sergi Mansilla <sergi.mansilla@gmail.com> Shatrugna Sadhu <ssadhu@apcera.com> Shawn Smith <shawnpsmith@gmail.com> Stas Maksimov <maksimov@gmail.com> Tor Arvid Lund <torarvid@gmail.com> Zac Bergquist <zbergquist99@gmail.com>