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package protocol
import (
uuid ""
var packedAttestationKey = "packed"
func init() {
RegisterAttestationFormat(packedAttestationKey, verifyPackedFormat)
// From §8.2.
// The packed attestation statement looks like:
// packedStmtFormat = {
// alg: COSEAlgorithmIdentifier,
// sig: bytes,
// x5c: [ attestnCert: bytes, * (caCert: bytes) ]
// } OR
// {
// alg: COSEAlgorithmIdentifier, (-260 for ED256 / -261 for ED512)
// sig: bytes,
// ecdaaKeyId: bytes
// } OR
// {
// alg: COSEAlgorithmIdentifier
// sig: bytes,
// }
func verifyPackedFormat(att AttestationObject, clientDataHash []byte) (string, []interface{}, error) {
// Step 1. Verify that attStmt is valid CBOR conforming to the syntax defined
// above and perform CBOR decoding on it to extract the contained fields.
// Get the alg value - A COSEAlgorithmIdentifier containing the identifier of the algorithm
// used to generate the attestation signature.
alg, present := att.AttStatement["alg"].(int64)
if !present {
return packedAttestationKey, nil, ErrAttestationFormat.WithDetails("Error retreiving alg value")
// Get the sig value - A byte string containing the attestation signature.
sig, present := att.AttStatement["sig"].([]byte)
if !present {
return packedAttestationKey, nil, ErrAttestationFormat.WithDetails("Error retreiving sig value")
// Step 2. If x5c is present, this indicates that the attestation type is not ECDAA.
x5c, x509present := att.AttStatement["x5c"].([]interface{})
if x509present {
// Handle Basic Attestation steps for the x509 Certificate
return handleBasicAttestation(sig, clientDataHash, att.RawAuthData, att.AuthData.AttData.AAGUID, alg, x5c)
// Step 3. If ecdaaKeyId is present, then the attestation type is ECDAA.
// Also make sure the we did not have an x509 then
ecdaaKeyID, ecdaaKeyPresent := att.AttStatement["ecdaaKeyId"].([]byte)
if ecdaaKeyPresent {
// Handle ECDAA Attestation steps for the x509 Certificate
return handleECDAAAttesation(sig, clientDataHash, ecdaaKeyID)
// Step 4. If neither x5c nor ecdaaKeyId is present, self attestation is in use.
return handleSelfAttestation(alg, att.AuthData.AttData.CredentialPublicKey, att.RawAuthData, clientDataHash, sig)
// Handle the attestation steps laid out in
func handleBasicAttestation(signature, clientDataHash, authData, aaguid []byte, alg int64, x5c []interface{}) (string, []interface{}, error) {
// Step 2.1. Verify that sig is a valid signature over the concatenation of authenticatorData
// and clientDataHash using the attestation public key in attestnCert with the algorithm specified in alg.
attestationType := "Packed (Basic)"
for _, c := range x5c {
cb, cv := c.([]byte)
if !cv {
return attestationType, x5c, ErrAttestation.WithDetails("Error getting certificate from x5c cert chain")
ct, err := x509.ParseCertificate(cb)
if err != nil {
return attestationType, x5c, ErrAttestationFormat.WithDetails(fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing certificate from ASN.1 data: %+v", err))
if ct.NotBefore.After(time.Now()) || ct.NotAfter.Before(time.Now()) {
return attestationType, x5c, ErrAttestationFormat.WithDetails("Cert in chain not time valid")
attCertBytes, valid := x5c[0].([]byte)
if !valid {
return attestationType, x5c, ErrAttestation.WithDetails("Error getting certificate from x5c cert chain")
signatureData := append(authData, clientDataHash...)
attCert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(attCertBytes)
if err != nil {
return attestationType, x5c, ErrAttestationFormat.WithDetails(fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing certificate from ASN.1 data: %+v", err))
coseAlg := webauthncose.COSEAlgorithmIdentifier(alg)
sigAlg := webauthncose.SigAlgFromCOSEAlg(coseAlg)
err = attCert.CheckSignature(x509.SignatureAlgorithm(sigAlg), signatureData, signature)
if err != nil {
return attestationType, x5c, ErrInvalidAttestation.WithDetails(fmt.Sprintf("Signature validation error: %+v\n", err))
// Step 2.2 Verify that attestnCert meets the requirements in §8.2.1 Packed attestation statement certificate requirements.
// §8.2.1 can be found here
// Step 2.2.1 (from §8.2.1) Version MUST be set to 3 (which is indicated by an ASN.1 INTEGER with value 2).
if attCert.Version != 3 {
return attestationType, x5c, ErrAttestationCertificate.WithDetails("Attestation Certificate is incorrect version")
// Step 2.2.2 (from §8.2.1) Subject field MUST be set to:
// Subject-C
// ISO 3166 code specifying the country where the Authenticator vendor is incorporated (PrintableString)
// TODO: Find a good, useable, country code library. For now, check stringy-ness
subjectString := strings.Join(attCert.Subject.Country, "")
if subjectString == "" {
return attestationType, x5c, ErrAttestationCertificate.WithDetails("Attestation Certificate Country Code is invalid")
// Subject-O
// Legal name of the Authenticator vendor (UTF8String)
subjectString = strings.Join(attCert.Subject.Organization, "")
if subjectString == "" {
return attestationType, x5c, ErrAttestationCertificate.WithDetails("Attestation Certificate Organization is invalid")
// Subject-OU
// Literal string “Authenticator Attestation” (UTF8String)
subjectString = strings.Join(attCert.Subject.OrganizationalUnit, " ")
if subjectString != "Authenticator Attestation" {
// TODO: Implement a return error when I'm more certain this is general practice
// Subject-CN
// A UTF8String of the vendors choosing
subjectString = attCert.Subject.CommonName
if subjectString == "" {
return attestationType, x5c, ErrAttestationCertificate.WithDetails("Attestation Certificate Common Name not set")
// TODO: And then what
// Step 2.2.3 (from §8.2.1) If the related attestation root certificate is used for multiple authenticator models,
// the Extension OID (id-fido-gen-ce-aaguid) MUST be present, containing the
// AAGUID as a 16-byte OCTET STRING. The extension MUST NOT be marked as critical.
idFido := asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45724, 1, 1, 4}
var foundAAGUID []byte
for _, extension := range attCert.Extensions {
if extension.Id.Equal(idFido) {
if extension.Critical {
return attestationType, x5c, ErrInvalidAttestation.WithDetails("Attestation certificate FIDO extension marked as critical")
foundAAGUID = extension.Value
// We validate the AAGUID as mentioned above
// This is not well defined in§8.2.1 but mentioned in step 2.3: we validate the AAGUID if it is present within the certificate
// and make sure it matches the auth data AAGUID
// Note that an X.509 Extension encodes the DER-encoding of the value in an OCTET STRING. Thus, the
// AAGUID MUST be wrapped in two OCTET STRINGS to be valid.
if len(foundAAGUID) > 0 {
unMarshalledAAGUID := []byte{}
asn1.Unmarshal(foundAAGUID, &unMarshalledAAGUID)
if !bytes.Equal(aaguid, unMarshalledAAGUID) {
return attestationType, x5c, ErrInvalidAttestation.WithDetails("Certificate AAGUID does not match Auth Data certificate")
uuid, err := uuid.FromBytes(aaguid)
if meta, ok := metadata.Metadata[uuid]; ok {
for _, s := range meta.StatusReports {
if metadata.IsUndesiredAuthenticatorStatus(metadata.AuthenticatorStatus(s.Status)) {
return attestationType, x5c, ErrInvalidAttestation.WithDetails("Authenticator with undesirable status encountered")
if attCert.Subject.CommonName != attCert.Issuer.CommonName {
var hasBasicFull = false
for _, a := range meta.MetadataStatement.AttestationTypes {
if metadata.AuthenticatorAttestationType(a) == metadata.AuthenticatorAttestationType(metadata.BasicFull) {
hasBasicFull = true
if !hasBasicFull {
return attestationType, x5c, ErrInvalidAttestation.WithDetails("Attestation with full attestation from authentictor that does not support full attestation")
} else {
if metadata.Conformance {
return attestationType, x5c, ErrInvalidAttestation.WithDetails("AAGUID not found in metadata during conformance testing")
// Step 2.2.4 The Basic Constraints extension MUST have the CA component set to false.
if attCert.IsCA {
return attestationType, x5c, ErrInvalidAttestation.WithDetails("Attestation certificate's Basic Constraints marked as CA")
// Note for 2.2.5 An Authority Information Access (AIA) extension with entry id-ad-ocsp and a CRL
// Distribution Point extension [RFC5280]( are
// both OPTIONAL as the status of many attestation certificates is available through authenticator
// metadata services. See, for example, the FIDO Metadata Service
// [FIDOMetadataService] (
// Step 2.4 If successful, return attestation type Basic and attestation trust path x5c.
// We don't handle trust paths yet but we're done
return attestationType, x5c, nil
func handleECDAAAttesation(signature, clientDataHash, ecdaaKeyID []byte) (string, []interface{}, error) {
return "Packed (ECDAA)", nil, ErrNotSpecImplemented
func handleSelfAttestation(alg int64, pubKey, authData, clientDataHash, signature []byte) (string, []interface{}, error) {
attestationType := "Packed (Self)"
// §4.1 Validate that alg matches the algorithm of the credentialPublicKey in authenticatorData.
// §4.2 Verify that sig is a valid signature over the concatenation of authenticatorData and
// clientDataHash using the credential public key with alg.
verificationData := append(authData, clientDataHash...)
key, err := webauthncose.ParsePublicKey(pubKey)
if err != nil {
return attestationType, nil, ErrAttestationFormat.WithDetails(fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing the public key: %+v\n", err))
switch key.(type) {
case webauthncose.OKPPublicKeyData:
k := key.(webauthncose.OKPPublicKeyData)
err := verifyKeyAlgorithm(k.Algorithm, alg)
if err != nil {
return attestationType, nil, err
case webauthncose.EC2PublicKeyData:
k := key.(webauthncose.EC2PublicKeyData)
err := verifyKeyAlgorithm(k.Algorithm, alg)
if err != nil {
return attestationType, nil, err
case webauthncose.RSAPublicKeyData:
k := key.(webauthncose.RSAPublicKeyData)
err := verifyKeyAlgorithm(k.Algorithm, alg)
if err != nil {
return attestationType, nil, err
return attestationType, nil, ErrInvalidAttestation.WithDetails("Error verifying the public key data")
valid, err := webauthncose.VerifySignature(key, verificationData, signature)
if !valid && err == nil {
return attestationType, nil, ErrInvalidAttestation.WithDetails("Unabled to verify signature")
return attestationType, nil, err
func verifyKeyAlgorithm(keyAlgorithm, attestedAlgorithm int64) error {
if keyAlgorithm != attestedAlgorithm {
return ErrInvalidAttestation.WithDetails("Public key algorithm does not equal att statement algorithm")
return nil