mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 12:15:59 +00:00
* add migrations * fix package dependency * fix lints * implements migrations except pull requests * add releases * migrating releases * fix bug * fix lint * fix migrate releases * fix tests * add rollback * pull request migtations * fix import * fix go module vendor * add tests for upload to gitea * more migrate options * fix swagger-check * fix misspell * add options on migration UI * fix log error * improve UI options on migrating * add support for username password when migrating from github * fix tests * remove comments and fix migrate limitation * improve error handles * migrate API will also support migrate milestones/labels/issues/pulls/releases * fix tests and remove unused codes * add DownloaderFactory and docs about how to create a new Downloader * fix misspell * fix migration docs * Add hints about migrate options on migration page * fix tests
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230 lines
8.4 KiB
# This is the official list of go-github authors for copyright purposes.
# This does not necessarily list everyone who has contributed code, since in
# some cases, their employer may be the copyright holder. To see the full list
# of contributors, see the revision history in source control or
# https://github.com/google/go-github/graphs/contributors.
# Authors who wish to be recognized in this file should add themselves (or
# their employer, as appropriate).
178inaba <masahiro.furudate@gmail.com>
Abhinav Gupta <mail@abhinavg.net>
Ahmed Hagy <a.akram93@gmail.com>
Ainsley Chong <ainsley.chong@gmail.com>
Akeda Bagus <akeda@x-team.com>
Akhil Mohan <akhilerm@gmail.com>
Alec Thomas <alec@swapoff.org>
Aleks Clark <aleks.clark@gmail.com>
Alex Bramley <a.bramley@gmail.com>
Alexander Harkness <me@bearbin.net>
Allen Sun <shlallen1990@gmail.com>
Amey Sakhadeo <me@ameyms.com>
Andreas Garnæs <https://github.com/andreas>
Andrew Ryabchun <aryabchun@mail.ua>
Andy Grunwald <andygrunwald@gmail.com>
Andy Hume <andyhume@gmail.com>
Andy Lindeman <andy@lindeman.io>
Anshuman Bhartiya <anshuman.bhartiya@gmail.com>
Antoine <antoine.tu@mail.mcgill.ca>
Antoine Pelisse <apelisse@gmail.com>
Anubha Kushwaha <anubha_bt2k14@dtu.ac.in>
appilon <apilon@hashicorp.com>
Aravind <aravindkp@outlook.in>
Arda Kuyumcu <kuyumcuarda@gmail.com>
Arıl Bozoluk <arilbozoluk@hotmail.com>
Austin Dizzy <dizzy@wow.com>
Ben Batha <bhbatha@gmail.com>
Benjamen Keroack <benjamen@dollarshaveclub.com>
Beshr Kayali <beshrkayali@gmail.com>
Beyang Liu <beyang.liu@gmail.com>
Billy Lynch <wlynch92@gmail.com>
Björn Häuser <b.haeuser@rebuy.de>
Brad Harris <bmharris@gmail.com>
Brad Moylan <moylan.brad@gmail.com>
Bradley Falzon <brad@teambrad.net>
Brandon Cook <phylake@gmail.com>
Brian Egizi <brian@mojotech.com>
Bryan Boreham <bryan@weave.works>
Cami Diez <diezcami@gmail.com>
Carlos Alexandro Becker <caarlos0@gmail.com>
chandresh-pancholi <chandreshpancholi007@gmail.com>
Charles Fenwick Elliott <Charles@FenwickElliott.io>
Charlie Yan <charlieyan08@gmail.com>
Chris King <chriskingnet@gmail.com>
Chris Roche <chris@vsco.co>
Chris Schaefer <chris@dtzq.com>
Christoph Sassenberg <defsprite@gmail.com>
Colin Misare <github.com/cmisare>
Craig Peterson <cpeterson@stackoverflow.com>
Cristian Maglie <c.maglie@bug.st>
Daehyeok Mun <daehyeok@gmail.com>
Daniel Leavitt <daniel.leavitt@gmail.com>
Daniel Nilsson <daniel.nilsson1989@gmail.com>
Dave Du Cros <davidducros@gmail.com>
Dave Henderson <dhenderson@gmail.com>
David Deng <daviddengcn@gmail.com>
David Jannotta <djannotta@gmail.com>
Davide Zipeto <dawez1@gmail.com>
Dennis Webb <dennis@bluesentryit.com>
Dhi Aurrahman <diorahman@rockybars.com>
Diego Lapiduz <diego.lapiduz@cfpb.gov>
Dmitri Shuralyov <shurcooL@gmail.com>
dmnlk <seikima2demon@gmail.com>
Don Petersen <don@donpetersen.net>
Doug Turner <doug.turner@gmail.com>
Drew Fradette <drew.fradette@gmail.com>
Eli Uriegas <seemethere101@gmail.com>
Elliott Beach <elliott2.71828@gmail.com>
Emerson Wood <emersonwood94@gmail.com>
eperm <staffordworrell@gmail.com>
Erick Fejta <erick@fejta.com>
erwinvaneyk <erwinvaneyk@gmail.com>
Fabrice <fabrice.vaillant@student.ecp.fr>
Felix Geisendörfer <felix@debuggable.com>
Filippo Valsorda <hi@filippo.io>
Florian Forster <ff@octo.it>
Francesc Gil <xescugil@gmail.com>
Francis <hello@francismakes.com>
Fredrik Jönsson <fredrik.jonsson@izettle.com>
Garrett Squire <garrettsquire@gmail.com>
George Kontridze <george.kontridze@gmail.com>
Georgy Buranov <gburanov@gmail.com>
Gnahz <p@oath.pl>
Google Inc.
Grachev Mikhail <work@mgrachev.com>
griffin_stewie <panterathefamilyguy@gmail.com>
Guillaume Jacquet <guillaume.jacquet@gmail.com>
Guz Alexander <kalimatas@gmail.com>
Guðmundur Bjarni Ólafsson <gudmundur@github.com>
Hanno Hecker <hanno.hecker@zalando.de>
Hari haran <hariharan.uno@gmail.com>
haya14busa <hayabusa1419@gmail.com>
Huy Tr <kingbazoka@gmail.com>
huydx <doxuanhuy@gmail.com>
i2bskn <i2bskn@gmail.com>
Isao Jonas <isao.jonas@gmail.com>
isqua <isqua@isqua.ru>
Jameel Haffejee <RC1140@republiccommandos.co.za>
Jan Kosecki <jan.kosecki91@gmail.com>
Javier Campanini <jcampanini@palantir.com>
Jens Rantil <jens.rantil@gmail.com>
Jeremy Morris <jeremylevanmorris@gmail.com>
Jesse Newland <jesse@jnewland.com>
Jihoon Chung <j.c@navercorp.com>
Jimmi Dyson <jimmidyson@gmail.com>
Joan Saum <joan.saum@epitech.eu>
Joe Tsai <joetsai@digital-static.net>
John Barton <jrbarton@gmail.com>
John Engelman <john.r.engelman@gmail.com>
Jordan Sussman <jordansail22@gmail.com>
Joshua Bezaleel Abednego <joshua.bezaleel@gmail.com>
JP Phillips <jonphill9@gmail.com>
jpbelanger-mtl <jp.belanger@gmail.com>
Juan Basso <jrbasso@gmail.com>
Julien Garcia Gonzalez <garciagonzalez.julien@gmail.com>
Julien Rostand <jrostand@users.noreply.github.com>
Justin Abrahms <justin@abrah.ms>
Jusung Lee <e.jusunglee@gmail.com>
jzhoucliqr <jzhou@cliqr.com>
Katrina Owen <kytrinyx@github.com>
Kautilya Tripathi < tripathi.kautilya@gmail.com>
Kautilya Tripathi <tripathi.kautilya@gmail.com>
Keita Urashima <ursm@ursm.jp>
Kevin Burke <kev@inburke.com>
Konrad Malawski <konrad.malawski@project13.pl>
Kookheon Kwon <kucuny@gmail.com>
Krzysztof Kowalczyk <kkowalczyk@gmail.com>
Kshitij Saraogi <KshitijSaraogi@gmail.com>
kyokomi <kyoko1220adword@gmail.com>
Lovro Mažgon <lovro.mazgon@gmail.com>
Lucas Alcantara <lucasalcantaraf@gmail.com>
Luke Evers <me@lukevers.com>
Luke Kysow <lkysow@gmail.com>
Luke Roberts <email@luke-roberts.co.uk>
Luke Young <luke@hydrantlabs.org>
Maksim Zhylinski <uzzable@gmail.com>
Martin-Louis Bright <mlbright@gmail.com>
Marwan Sulaiman <marwan.sameer@gmail.com>
Mat Geist <matgeist@gmail.com>
Matt <alpmatthew@gmail.com>
Matt Brender <mjbrender@gmail.com>
Matt Gaunt <matt@gauntface.co.uk>
Matt Landis <landis.matt@gmail.com>
Maxime Bury <maxime.bury@gmail.com>
Michael Spiegel <michael.m.spiegel@gmail.com>
Michael Tiller <michael.tiller@gmail.com>
Michał Glapa <michal.glapa@gmail.com>
Nathan VanBenschoten <nvanbenschoten@gmail.com>
Navaneeth Suresh <navaneeths1998@gmail.com>
Neil O'Toole <neilotoole@apache.org>
Nick Miyake <nmiyake@palantir.com>
Nick Spragg <nick.spragg@bbc.co.uk>
Nikhita Raghunath <nikitaraghunath@gmail.com>
Noah Zoschke <noah+sso2@convox.com>
ns-cweber <cweber@narrativescience.com>
Oleg Kovalov <iamolegkovalov@gmail.com>
Ondřej Kupka <ondra.cap@gmail.com>
Palash Nigam <npalash25@gmail.com>
Panagiotis Moustafellos <pmoust@gmail.com>
Parham Alvani <parham.alvani@gmail.com>
Parker Moore <parkrmoore@gmail.com>
parkhyukjun89 <park.hyukjun89@gmail.com>
Pavel Shtanko <pavel.shtanko@gmail.com>
Pete Wagner <thepwagner@github.com>
Petr Shevtsov <petr.shevtsov@gmail.com>
Pierre Carrier <pierre@meteor.com>
Piotr Zurek <p.zurek@gmail.com>
Quinn Slack <qslack@qslack.com>
Rackspace US, Inc.
Radek Simko <radek.simko@gmail.com>
Radliński Ignacy <radlinsk@student.agh.edu.pl>
Rajendra arora <rajendraarora16@yahoo.com>
RaviTeja Pothana <ravi-teja@live.com>
rc1140 <jameel@republiccommandos.co.za>
Red Hat, Inc.
Rob Figueiredo <robfig@yext.com>
Rohit Upadhyay <urohit011@gmail.com>
Ronak Jain <ronakjain@outlook.in>
Ruben Vereecken <rubenvereecken@gmail.com>
Ryan Leung <rleungx@gmail.com>
Ryan Lower <rpjlower@gmail.com>
Sahil Dua <sahildua2305@gmail.com>
saisi <saisi@users.noreply.github.com>
Sam Minnée <sam@silverstripe.com>
Sandeep Sukhani <sandeep.d.sukhani@gmail.com>
Sander van Harmelen <svanharmelen@schubergphilis.com>
Sanket Payghan <sanket.payghan8@gmail.com>
Sarasa Kisaragi <lingsamuelgrace@gmail.com>
Sean Wang <sean@decrypted.org>
Sebastian Mandrean <sebastian.mandrean@gmail.com>
Sebastian Mæland Pedersen <sem.pedersen@stud.uis.no>
Sergey Romanov <xxsmotur@gmail.com>
Sevki <s@sevki.org>
Shagun Khemka <shagun.khemka60@gmail.com>
shakeelrao <shakeelrao79@gmail.com>
Shawn Catanzarite <me@shawncatz.com>
Shawn Smith <shawnpsmith@gmail.com>
sona-tar <sona.zip@gmail.com>
SoundCloud, Ltd.
Sridhar Mocherla <srmocher@microsoft.com>
Stian Eikeland <stian@eikeland.se>
Tasya Aditya Rukmana <tadityar@gmail.com>
Thomas Bruyelle <thomas.bruyelle@gmail.com>
Timothée Peignier <timothee.peignier@tryphon.org>
Trey Tacon <ttacon@gmail.com>
ttacon <ttacon@gmail.com>
Varadarajan Aravamudhan <varadaraajan@gmail.com>
Victor Castell <victor@victorcastell.com>
Victor Vrantchan <vrancean+github@gmail.com>
Vlad Ungureanu <vladu@palantir.com>
Wasim Thabraze <wasim@thabraze.me>
Will Maier <wcmaier@gmail.com>
William Bailey <mail@williambailey.org.uk>
xibz <impactbchang@gmail.com>
Yann Malet <yann.malet@gmail.com>
Yannick Utard <yannickutard@gmail.com>
Yicheng Qin <qycqycqycqycqyc@gmail.com>
Yumikiyo Osanai <yumios.art@gmail.com>
Zach Latta <zach@zachlatta.com>